Grossmont College 3 Kinds of Bias that Shape Your Worldview Video Discussion

User Generated




You are a carbon atom.

You begin life covalently attached to two oxygen atoms, but throughout your life you exchange those oxygen atoms for other atoms.
Please provide the a written description of the story of your life.
In doing so, describe what happens to you during an expanse of time that spans a human life (say ~80 years).
Also describe what happens to you over geologic expanses of time (over millions and millions of years).
In doing so, make sure that you take yourself through the different carbon cycles.
Remember you are a carbon atom, right now you are bound to two oxygen atoms, but as you move through all the different carbon cycles your molecular makeup (the atoms that you are bound to) will change.
Please describe your path through the different carbon cycles and the chemistry that you engage in a upon transforming from one carbon containing molecule to another.

Please be as flamboyant, creative, silly, poetic, and literary as you would like to be in writing this discussion.

Also, I don't want this to be a nightmarish chore, so it doesn't have to be very long.

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Explanation & Answer

View attached explanation and answer. Let me know if you have any questions.


Carbon atom

Student’s Name:


I am a carbon atom and form the chemical backbone of all life forms on earth. When a new
life is formed, I combine with other elements to form key molecules such as proteins and DNA,
which constitute the major feature of living organisms. I connect with two oxygen atoms to form
carbon dioxide (CO2), readily available in the atmosphere. The earth reuses carbon throug...

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