DCHS Economics Bibliography

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The Annotated Bibliography assignment is designed to help you develop your skills in identifying sources relevant to your topic and assessing these sources' credibility along multiple metrics. What is an annotated bibliography? It is a list of citations of reputable sources (e.g., articles and videos on the web) related to a topic - in this instance, the topic is related to the use of algorithm-based decision making. Checklist: Each of the eight information source annotations are to include the following: Citation formatted according to APA (6th edition) style. Summary of the article (or video/audio) that includes a description of the article or video. (Note: the summary must be paraphrased in your own words. Do not use direct quotes from the information source!) Relevance of information source (How is the information source - article or video - directly relevant to your topic? Why did you choose this source? Support how this source is relevant.) Accuracy and currency of information source (Is the information in the source accurate and up-to-date Where did the Sorce come from? Quality of the information (Is the information source objective and reliable? Does the other work authojpossess credentials or experiences that would provide authority on this topic?) NOTE: Each annotation is at least 5-7 sentences and/or 150 words in length. Stroly Demonstrate the following: . Your ability to identify scholarly as well as non-scholarly sources relevant to your topic. (You should have a minimum of 2 peer-reviewed sources, but no more than 4.) RU Database CLIB) Your ability to identify video and audio materials relevant to your topic. (Minimum of 2, but no more than 4.) Your ability to identify a range of credible outlets of information (repeating the same publication for multiple sources will result in a -5 point deduction each time a source is repeated). 北 # 1 Sample Annotated Bibliography Entry following APA style: Murphy, H. (2019, January 21). Coming Soon to a Police Station Near You: The DNA ‘Magic Box'. New York Times. Retrieved from: https://www.nytimes.com/2019/01/21/science/dna-crime-gene-technology.html This newspaper article will be useful in addressing the challenges of introdu technology into the criminal justice system. The article describes the use of Rapid DNA machines which permit the analysis and evaluation of DNA systems by police departments without needing to send samples out to external labs. This technology can provide reports on evidence collected at crime scenes much more quickly, but experts point to potential issues with samples collected in problematic fashions. Data collected on innocent parties is also likely to remain linked to criminal investigations. The New York Times, who published the article, is a trusted news outlet; and the article references several experts in the field in its coverage and provides their institutional affiliations to document their expertise. While the Times is a commercial publisher, there is no apparent financial benefit or conflict apparent with the article's publication. The indications are strong that the information provided is accurate. The article was published in 2019 on the NYT website, which makes it current for the topic of genetic analysis. Parong, J., & Mayer, R. E. (2018). Learning Science in Immersive Virtual Reality. Journal of Educational Psychology. Retrieved from https://doi.org/10.1037/edu0000241 This article details a series of experiments performed to test whether using VR is a more effective S teaching method than using a slide show presentation to teach and discusses the effectiveness of generative learning strategles when used with this emerging technology. The first experiment performed has two different groups being taught the same material through each of the two mediums and the second experiment applies a generative learning strategy as an extra feature to the existing VR lesson. After describing each experiment, the author discusses the advantages and disadvantages of implementing VR in the classroom, as well as presenting arguments for and against its implementation The article was accepted in 2017, which may present an issue. Although 2017 is not too dated, there may have been a breakthrough within the nearly three-year gap between the time of publishing and the present day that could invalidate or challenge the results in the article, which could be a potential issue. However, the fact that this was published in an official Journal after peer-review by the American Psychological Organization is a boon to its credibility. The listing of multiple sources to support their argument also lends more credibility to the author's argument, although some of the sources date back to 1976, which is almost half a century. Not all of the sources are dated though, and the paper is willing to present arguments from the other side, which is why this can be seen as a credible source. Annotated Bibliography Rubric – Spring 2020 Criteria Research Sources Unsatisfactory 0-39 points Unsatisfactory research effort is evident - missing multiple required (8) sources and/or the sources generally are not relevant or reputable and/or lack a mix of articles and videos from the web Developing 40-46 points Limited research effort is evident and/or may be missing one of the required (8) research sources and/or a source may not be adequately relevant and reputable. Distribution of materials may not match the parameters described for the assignment Accomplished 47-53 points Research effort is evident with the required (8) research sources that are relevant and reputable for the most part Distribution of the material over scholarly, non- scholarly, and multimedia material is within the described parameters for the assignment Exemplary 54-60 points Substantive research effort is evident with at least the required (8) research sources that are relevant and reputable and obtained from articles and videos on the web. Distribution of the material over scholarly, non- scholarly, and multimedia material is within the described parameters for the assignment. Total 160 NOTE Missing sources result in a ten point deduction per missing source 160 Annotations 47-53 points Annotations for the research sources adequately describe the required criteria for the assignment, for the most part. 54-60 points All annotations for the research sources clearly describe all the required criteria for the annotation, and also fully assesses the relevance, accuracy, and quality of the information source to the technology topic. 0-39 points 40-46 points Annotations are Annotations for generally lacking, the research missing, and/or sources incomplete in minimally meeting the describe the required criteria required criteria and/or do not or are missing support the one of the relevance, required criteria accuracy, and for the quality of the assignment. information source to the technology topic 0-15 points 16-23 points Poor writing style Average and/or lacking in casual writing standard English, style that is clarity, language sometimes used, and/or unclear and/or frequent errors in with some errors grammar, in grammar, punctuation, punctuation, usage, and usage, and spelling spelling. Some Sources, if sources may not included, are not be cited properly cited properly following APA following APA guidelines (6th guidelines (6th edition) edition). Needs work. Writing 24-26 points Above average writing style using standard English with minor errors in grammar, punctuation, usage, and spelling. Sources are cited properly following APA guidelines (6th edition) for the most part. 27-30 points Well written using standard English, characterized by elements of a strong writing style and basically free from grammar, punctuation, usage, and spelling errors. Sources are cited properly following APA guidelines (6th edition) /30 NOTE: Missing citations result in a 3 point deduction per missing citation Malformed APA citations result in a 1-2 point deduction per malformed citation Timeliness Deductions: If your submission is made after the deadline passes but before 11:59 pm, Monday, September 30" there will be a 10 point deduction off the grade. If your submission is made after 11:59 pm, Monday, September 30" but before 11:59 pm, Tuesday, October 115 there will be a 20 point deduction off the grade. If your submission is made after 11:59 pm, Tuesday, October 1st there will be a 40 point deduction off the grade. Postings made after 11:59 pm, Wednesday, October 2nd will not be accepted for grading (Assignment grade is 0). NOTE: Choosing to research a news item not on the list linked to the assignment will result in a 50 point deduction off the grade.
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Let me know where you need further helpNote: the references may appear in a plagiarism checker since they are online sources but otherwise the write-up is original


Annotated Bibliography

Institutional Affiliation


Annotated Bibliography

Bader, V., & Kaiser, S. (2019). Algorithmic decision-making? The user interface and its role








intelligence. The

organization, 26(5), 655-672.
Retrieved from https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/1350508419855714
Bader and Kaiser Start by giving literature reviewed definitions of algorithm decision
making in the article seeking to provide the readers with a broad and holistic understanding of
the concept. Further, the journal discusses more on the correlation between algorithm-based
decision making and human involvement, highlighting that putting an individual decisionmaker who is the receiver of the automated decisions at the focal point of the decision making
is the most instinctual methodology in reviewing algorithm verdict making in organizations.
The authors further discuss the study of humanoid involvement in the algorithmic decision
making through a case report involving the introduction of intellectual software in the call
centers. The workers' views on the application of this technique is also discussed while also
focusing on the impact of the implementation of the method in the workplaces, and how the
decisions made with this technique impact the work environment. Having been published in
2019, this article is reliable as it informs on future research in the field of use of AI and
Algorithm Based decision making in organizations by comparing already known facts based
on user involvement.

Castelluccia, C., & Le Métayer, D. (2019). Understanding algorithmic decision-making:
Opportunities and challenges (pp. 3-46). European Parliamentary Research Service. Retrieved
from https://www.europarl.europa.eu/RegData/etudes/STUD/2019/624261/EPRS_STU(2019



The authors delve into bringing an understanding of the concept of algorithmic decision
making by offering definitions and explanations of the terms surrounding the idea. A
correlation between the analyses of the massive amounts of personal data is then brought to
light within the article while also focusing on the importance of this analysis in decision
Further, the impacts of the decision made as a result of the algorithmic applicat...

Excellent resource! Really helped me get the gist of things.

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