Kuwait University Groins Geology Discussion

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Kuwait University


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Water vs Humans Overview: we’ve focused on water hazards and resources. In particular, we’ve focused broadly on ways that we try to control water. - river flood control: levees - coastal flood control: levees, breakwater, groins, jetties, beach nourishment - water quantity control: groundwater pumps, water treatment plants, policies - water quality control: policies Write about one component of how we control water (pick something from the list above) – either an engineering control or a policy control. Logistics: Write a 2-page, double spaced, 12 pt font, short paper describing how we control water. No figures, at least 2 references (author and date cited in the text, reference list at the end. No quotes). Paper Structure: - Introduction: One paragraph describing the issue, or introducing the topic. - Why is control needed: Describe the justification for this engineering feature or policy. - Downsides of controlling water this way: What are the (un)intended consequences? Include how climate change will impact this ‘control’ method. - Conclusion: Are there suggestions for alternatives? Introduction (10) Needs control (10) Impacts of control (10) Conclusion (5) AWESOME! Clear and interesting description of the problem, which is relevant to class. Described clearly and correctly, building on content we covered in class. Thoughtful consideration of consequences, building on topics we discussed in class. Clearly summarized with interesting future directions posed. OK! Introduction provides a general, but not very specific, description of the problem. Some basic justification, but it is vague and not so relevant. Some analysis of consequences, but very basic and simplistic. Crudely summarized. MEH. Introduction provides only a brief overview of the problem Justification is inaccurate or too basic. Consequences aree not considered or is inaccurately described. Conclusion does not reflect rest of paper. Writing (10) References (5) Clearly organized in a logical manner, with minimal typos. 2 pages Appropriately cited with at least 2 references. Mostly organized and includes minimal typos. 2 pages Fails to cite references in a few places; lacks a reference. Poorly organized and riddled with typos. Over/under 2 pages. No references.
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A groin is an artificial structure that is built on the ocean and is perpendicular to the shore.
Groins are different from breakwaters in that they do not create harbors. Groins do not provide
shelter to vessels, yachts, and fishing boats. Instead, a series of groins functions to catch
sediments brought about by the longshore drift in the surf region (Hanson et al., 2001). They are
made from stone, wood, or concrete. In addition, the wave energy pattern and the local beach
slope determine the distance between each groin.
Groins are stabilization structures that help fight erosion on beaches and protect human
constructions on land near the beaches. They have significant effects on the shoreline and can
destroy, improve or create surfing waves and surf breaks. Groins are also valuable for shaping
the coastline and changing the movement and behavior of sediments and sand. The setting up of
groins on beaches is controversial because they have both advantages and disadvantages.
Groins help control erosion and protect people’s properties, but they have ...

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