ECO 3351 Economics Paper

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ECO 3351



Should the USA government ban private cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Libra, etc.?

If you would like to receive credit for this topic as one of your two required debate/Op-Ed grades (see the Grading section of the syllabus for a reminder), please do the following:

1. Write a 700-800 word Op-Ed taking a side on this issue. Please make sure it is double spaced, includes your name on the top-left corner, is properly cited using APA format (ideally you should have 3-5 references; they can include news articles, research papers, books, etc.), and draws from sound economic arguments. Completing this is the bare minimum requirement for receiving credit. Remember that in addition to printing out your Op-ed and turning it in at the end of class you MUST upload a copy of this to the in-class debate #2 assignment in Canvas in order to receive credit so that I can run it through the plagiarism scanner.

2. If you would like to enhance your grade (and potentially earn extra credit on the assignment), I would also like you to actively participate in the in-class discussion of this topic. I will try to set aside 10-15 minutes at the end of class to let any of you who might wish to speak give a summary of your opinion and respond to any objections and counter-arguments you would like to address. One of the goals of this in-class discussion is to foster a civil and respectful environment, so be sure to act appropriately and respect other's opinions.

Explanation & Answer:
2 pages
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Explanation & Answer

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Should the USA government ban private cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Libra, etc.?
Student’s Name
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Should the USA government ban private cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Libra, etc.?
The recent decades have seen the world make some significant strides, especially in
science, information, and technology. Today, human civilization is more connected than ever in
history, and different advancements are becoming a global agenda rather than being nationally or
regionally limited. Perhaps some of the digital leaps occurring today are seemingly happening
before their time, and cryptocurrencies stand amid all the confusion. The digital currency has
become a highly publicized and controversial subject, with the masses splitting to either for or
against the technological financial innovation. Currently, the US government in endlessly
discussing the appropriate steps regarding the highly suggest ban on the different
cryptocurrencies especially Facebook’s Libra. Although cryptocurrency is a highly controversial
topic bearing both positive and negative impacts, it seems that imposing a ban on such a brilliant
innovation would depict an anti-progressive way of thinking.
Undeniably, banning cryptocurrencies in the US would be a huge mistake especially
considering that it is indeed a global innovation. Different countries around the world are
appreciating the technological advancement, and the governments are fully offering support for
the mesmerizing financ...

Great study resource, helped me a lot.
