University Phoenix Crowdsourcing Site AMAZON Review

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Business Finance

University Phoenix


Evaluate an online crowdsourcing site. Examples include, Dell's Ideastorm, and Starbucks. 

Write a 750- to 1,050-word paper in which you review a crowdsourcing site. 

Marketing has evolved in its relationship to customers. Marketing to consumers has shifted to marketing for consumers. Marketing for consumers has the power to choose whether they want to create a dialogue.

  • How has the organization leading the crowdsourcing utilized consumers to help build its organization?
  • How does this option of crowdsourcing influence marketing strategy? 
  • What is the impact of mobile and social media campaigns on marketing strategy for this organization? 


Explanation & Answer:
750 Words
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Explanation & Answer


Running head: AMAZON

Crowdsourcing Site Review


Crowdsourcing Site Review (AMAZON)

Crowdsourcing is a word that describes the stages of getting a job or support from a pool
of people available online. In concrete terms, crowdsourcing entails using people with certain
ideas, knowledge and skills in producing content or creating products or offering certain
services, and normally these people are sourced from the internet (Kenton, 2018). This applies to
anyone who has access to the Internet and wants to help organizations solve problems of
improvement and input of opinions to eliminate current issues.
In particular, crowdsourcing helps organizations get different viewpoints from those who
need their services. This information is drawn from a general pool of people rather than a
specific group. An example of an organization that utilizes crowdsourcing is Amazon, dubbed as
Amazon Turk Turk, also known as MTurk, which uses human intelligence of a group of
independent contractors in performing small online tasks (Brunelli, 2018). Crowdsourcing helps
the company to outsource some of its services such as content creation to a pool of skilled
individuals available online. Amazon MTurk is built on the assumption that people can do a lot
more efficiently co...

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