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Wireless Communications

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Computer Science




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Surname 1
Radio Frequency (RF) refers to wireless signals (electromagnetic) commonly used as a
form of communication. Example of RF is the radio waves. It is useful in human life as much as
it causes a number of health risks. Health risks come about as a result of being exposed to the RF
emissions that are above the recommended level. The health effects range from mild to severe.
This paper out lines some of the health risks and actions taken to mitigate the risk factors of RF.
Radio frequency signal has gradually widened the risk due to exposure to microwave and
radio waves but not for self-reported radar exposure or for radar or other microwave exposure
assessed by experts based on work background/history. A study of police officers in the USA
who regularly use traffic radar guns (handheld), recorded higher risk of exposure to testicular
cancer compared to their counter parts in Navy.
Bio hazards and burns caused by sparks found when men working on close range to
radio transmitting towers while working on transmission masts may cause paresthesia diarrhea
and headache. At times these conditions show continuous deterioration of one’s health.
Laborers working near Radio frequency sealers are exposed to emissions which can easily
penetrate into the body triggering skin sensors, these workers are prone to encounter skin or body
related allergies and diseases.

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Surname 2
In reference to OSHA: Higher power emissions i.e. RF signals may result into thermal
effects which may cause blindness and infertility. Other effects, like modification of the a
person’s body's day-to-day rhythms, and the kind of the chemical and electrical gestures
communicated through the cell tissue have been demonstrated by the link between exposure to
radio frequencies and cancer, multiplicative diseases, and nerve effects have not been fully
Radio frequency signals can also be harmful to the eyes and the testes, these are very
sensitive predominantly susceptible to RF energy. Upon mounting cellular and antennas on top
of the roof, the emissions could surpass higher than desirable parameter levels at times this may
cause a maintenance and personnel issue.
Since RF signals pose health risks globally, necessary measures should be taken
including allocation of resources to ensure all the safety precautions are put in place. If this is not
taken into consideration, it is likely to have adverse effects to those who are exposed to it the
course of their duties. Different countries have come up with several ways to mitigate the risk it
poses. United States of America has come up with a prevention program seeking to reduce the
severity of risks caused by exposure to RF emissions.
Those who manufacture the RF equipment should meet the quality standards .They
should also raise awareness on the potential health risks .The information should be enough to
guide the users during operation and servicing of the equipment. The manufacturers are also
responsible for giving accurate measurements of the emissions of their products. With detailed
information the end user will be able to take precautions when using the equipment. During the
development process, it is expected that accurate measurements on RF emissions are done so as
to come up with effective safety measures to reduce the potential health risks. When giving out

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Surname 1 Name Course Instructor Date Radio Frequency (RF) refers to wireless signals (electromagnetic) commonly used as a form of communication. Example of RF is the radio waves. It is useful in human life as much as it causes a number of health risks. Health risks come about as a result of being exposed to the RF emissions that are above the recommended level. The health effects range from mild to severe. This paper out lines some of the health risks and actions taken to mitigate the risk factors of RF. Radio frequency signal has gradually widened the risk due to exposure to microwave and radio waves but not for self-reported radar exposure or for radar or other microwave exposure assessed by experts based on work background/history. A study of police officers in the USA who regularly use traffic radar guns (handheld), recorded higher risk of exposure to testicular cancer compared to their counter parts in Navy. Bio hazards and burns caused by sparks found when men working on close range to radio transmitting towers while working on transmission masts may cause paresthesia diarrhea and headache. At times these conditions show continuous deterioration of one’s health. Laborers w ...
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