University of Sudbury When a Memo Gets You Fired Essay

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University of Sudbury


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Background: As we've discussed in class, legal issues surrounding equal employment opportunities, importance of workforce development, and new challenges in the changing workplace. In August 2017, a Google engineer wrote a memo that got him fired. The memo was highly criticized, and The New York Times, in the article "Google Fires Engineer Who Wrote Memo Questioning Women in Tech (Links to an external site.)" indicated that the reason the memo, titled “Google’s Ideological Echo Chamber,” angered many is because it "relied on certain gender stereotypes, like the notion that women are less interested in high-stress jobs because they are more anxious, to rationalize the gender gap in the tech industry." Assignment Readings: 1. Begin by reading the memo written by the fired Google employee, “Google’s Ideological Echo Chamber.” 2. Next, read the memo written by the CEO of Google, Sundar Pichai, "Our Words Matter," (Links to an external site.) in response. 3. Then, read the below articles sourced from various news outlets to contextualize the memos a bit more: a. Google Fires Engineer Who Wrote Memo Questioning Women in Tech (Links to an external site.) b. This Email From Google's CEO to Employees Teaches Some Major Lessons in Leadership (Links to an external site.) c. (Links to an external site.)Tech's Damaging Myth of the Loner Genius Nerd (Links to an external site.) Assignment Details: After you have completed the readings, please respond to the following questions: 1. Based on your readings, what do you think the fired engineer's intended message was? What did he do right, and what did he do wrong in conveying his message to his intended audience? 2. It has been argued that the fired engineer's memo was not intended to belittle women or minorities, but rather intended to encourage Google employees to take account of their own biases as a means of reducing the so-called gender gap in tech employment. Putting your own opinions aside, refer back to his memo, and cite examples where this viewpoint perhaps might be justified. Then explain in detail, referencing your citations from his memo, ways he could have changed his memo to communicate the intention of "reducing the gender gap in tech employment." 3. Many of the offensive statements made by the Google employee were based on opinion, rather than fact, such as "most women are biologically unsuited to working in tech because they were more focused on 'feelings and aesthetics than ideas' and had 'a stronger interest in people rather than things.'” In what ways could the employee have strengthened his memo to persuade his audience (whatever his intention might have been), using facts, rather than opinion? 4. Google has dealt with criticism that it has not done enough to hire and promote women and minorities.The fired employee simultaneously questioned Google's recruitment practices for a diverse workforce and argued that the reason there are not a lot of women in tech positions is not because they are being discriminated against, but because they do not want high-stress jobs, are more anxious, and crave more work-life balance than men. Google has long promoted a culture of openness, with employees allowed to question senior executives and even mock its strategy in internal forums. In what ways do you believe this memo crossed the line in also advancing harmful gender stereotypes even while criticizing Google's hiring practices? 5. In his response memo, Google’s CEO did say that portions of the memo had "violated the company’s code of conduct and crossed the line “by advancing harmful gender stereotypes in our workplace.” Your readings highlight some of the leadership lessons the CEO conveyed in the message of his memo. What do you believe were the most meaningful lessons he demonstrated as a leader, citing not only your readings from this assignment, but also from your Part 1 (Chapters 1-3) readings in "How to Win Friends and Influence People in the Digital Age." 6. Social media are digital media/channel combinations that empower stakeholders as participants in the communication process by allowing them to share content, revise content, respond to content, or contribute new content. Why do you believe that this complicates communication in the business context and in what ways is this memo an example of just how complicated things have become for companies? 7. Similarly, social media reduces the amount of control businesses have over the content and process of communication. Google has learned how to adapt their communication efforts to this new media landscape and to welcome customers’ participation. When memos like this go public, why is it so important for companies to respond appropriately for example on Twitter or Facebook? 8. Consider the memo as a product of Google's internal communication structure in welcoming input from employees. As noted above, it is important for companies to respond to the public if internal communications become public. How do you feel that social media has affected the business communication structure of Google in revolutionizing its internal communication processes and promoting the flow of ideas? Similarly: 9. How do you think the internal communications processes in combination with recognizing the role of digital communications in the modern business environments has broken down traditional barriers in the organizational hierarchy (you may want to refer back to Chapters 5-7 from Business Essentials to fully answer the question). 10. What do you think the impact of digital networks has enabled networks of individuals and organizations to collaborate, share information, and request information? In what ways has it become easier, and in what ways has it become more difficult? Submission Requirements: Please submit a five-to-seven page, double-spaced, in 12 point Times New Roman font formatted in MLA style
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Surname 1
Student’s Name
Professor’s Name
Google’s Ideological Echo Chamber Memo
In July 2017, a Google engineer called James Damore wrote a memo titled “Google’s
Ideological Echo Chamber” (Wakabayashi). The memo, among other things, sought to critique
the way that Google was handling the issues of gender and cultural diversity in the workplace.
Damore’s memo led to serious outrage by many people in the country. News articles were
written to critique the engineer's memo (Wakabayashi). Google's CEO, Sundar Pichai, wrote a
memo in response to the engineer’s memo. The outrage arising from Damore’s memo led to his
firing from Google. Some people believe that the memo was intended to belittle women. In
contrast, others believe that the memo was aimed at shedding light on Google's biases and
propose better ways of dealing with the gender gap in the technology industry.
The Engineer’s Intended Message
The fired engineer's intended message was that the gender gap in the tech industry and
some job positions like leadership are not entirely due to oppression, but a factor like personality
differences between the genders accounts for the same (Damore 3). Damore argued that, on
average, women are high in traits like openness towards feelings and aesthetics, agreeableness,
people-oriented, and neuroticism (Damore 4). He further argued that on average men are more
open to ideas, are highly driven by status, and are more object-oriented (Damore 5). He
concluded that the general differences in psychological preferences could partly explain the
underrepresentation of women in leadership and the tech industry. One thing that Damore did

Surname 2
right was to articulate his position clearly. Another thing that he did right was to acknowledge
that biases like political and moral biases hindered a candid discussion on the matter (Damore 2).
What Damore did wrong in the memo was the failure to provide sufficient evidence for his claim
about the general personality differences between genders. The issue of whether there are
differences between genders has created political hostility in the country. Presentation of credible
and robust evidence for his case, if such exists, could have shielded the engineer from the
hostility and sacking.
The intent of Reducing Biases in Fixing Gender Gap
Several sections of the memo justify the viewpoint held by...

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