Glendale Community College What Would You Do Differently Discussion

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Glendale Community College


PART 1  

This assignment is called "What Would You Do Differently?" Answer the four questions below. Click on "reply" and fill in your answers to these questions: 

1. Have you ever seen a play? (A play = A live theatrical production in a theatre or outdoors - can be a musical or dialogue only). If you have not ever seen a play, choose a film that you have seen that's based on a play. Do some research if you don't know. We've all seen at least one, believe me. What's the title of the play (or film)? 

2. Did you enjoy it? Why or why not?

3. What would you have done differently if you'd been the director? Be specific! Keep in mind directors in theatre (and in film) create the concept - the overall look, tone and style of the piece. The director's duties are described in chapter 6 of the textbook.

4. Can you create your own original concept for the play (or film) you mentioned above? If you do not know what I mean by "concept", just Google "Production Concept" or "Theatrical Concept" for descriptions and examples. Describe your original concept in five sentences.

Explanation & Answer:
4 Questions
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Explanation & Answer

Hi aratakesianI have uploaded the final paper with answers. I have uploaded 4 papers which are the outline, a word document with questions and answers, a PDF document with questions and answers and a word document with only the answers.I enjoyed tackling your question.Thank you for believing in me and giving me the opportunity to tackle this assignment for you.I am looking forward to tackling more of your future papers.Hoping to hear from you once you see this.


What Would You Do Differently
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What Would You Do Differently
Thesis statement: Questions and Answers
1. Have ever seen a play?
Yes. I have seen a live theoretical production play of ‘death of a salesman’.
2. Did you enjoy it? Why or why not?
I did enjoy the play because of what it was addressing. The play was about a loss of identity
and the inability of a man to accept change within himself and society. Moreover, the play
carried a collection of dreams, arguments, and memories.
3. What would have done differently if you were the director?
If I were the director of the play, I would have employed a person with sharp eyes and who
was efficient with modest resources to design costumes. I would have also placed much
emphasis on the rehearsals to ensure that the cast perform their roles well during the play and
also to avoid petty mistakes witnessed during the play.
4. Can you create your own original concept of the play you mentioned above?
I can create my original concept of the film which is not based on the theme; American
Dream. My concept will entail a man whose identity he does not intend to lose .He is willing
to accept the changes in him and society. My main themes will be selfishness, cont...

I was stuck on this subject and a friend recommended Studypool. I'm so glad I checked it out!

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