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What Is The Difference Between Java And Javascript

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What is the Difference Between Java and Javascript?
Due to the fact that these languages contain Java in their spelling, many people think
they are similar which is not the case.
Initially, Java was known as OAK. This programming language was made by James
Gosling at Sun MicroSystems("Java vs. JavaScript: Whats the Difference?", 2017).
Javascript’s first name was ECMAScript developed at Netscape by Brendan
Eich(Haverbeke, 2011).
While both languages are object-oriented, Java is a programming language and
Javascript is a scripting language("Java vs. JavaScript: What’s the Difference?",
Javascript can only run on HTML or web pages while Java can run in both web pages
and can be used to code standalone software(Haverbeke, 2011).
Java is a compiled and interpreted language whereby the code is compiled initially
before being run by the Java Virtual Machine.
Javascript, on the other hand, is run directly in a browser software(Haverbeke, 2011).
Java, being a static language, has its variables declared with their types when being
compiled. Javascript is a dynamic language whereby the variables can accept various
assignment values.
Java uses .java file extension different compared to javascript which uses .js ("Java vs.
JavaScript: What’s the Difference?", 2017).
While both languages implement objects, they are based on classes in Java and are
based on prototypes in javascript(Haverbeke, 2011).

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What is the Difference Between Java and Javascript? Due to the fact that these languages contain Java in their spelling, many people think they are similar which is not the case. Initially, Java was known as OAK. This programming language was made by James Gosling at Sun MicroSystems("Java vs. JavaScript: What’s the Difference?", 2017). Javascript’s first name was ECMAScript developed at Netscape by Brendan Eich(Haverbeke, 2011). While both languages are object-oriented, Java is a programming language and Javascript is a scripting language("Java vs. JavaScript: What’s the Difference?" ...
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