What Is Misrepresentation Discussion

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Business Finance


Business Law

Define & explain misrepresentation and include a current case (2010-2020) on the topic. The essay must be between 800-1000 words. Please cite all sources in MLA format.

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1000 words
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The Concept of Misrepresentation
Definition of Misrepresentation
A misrepresentation is the provision of false statements by party A to party B in the
process of making a contract, an act that leads to loss or damages by party B (Opare-Wiredu). In
misrepresentation, a party may provide false statement either intentionally or unconsciously.
Party b can claim damage through a court system, where party A is the defendant while party B
is the plaintiff.
Explanation of Misrepresentation
Misrepresentation involves a false statement made by one party in a contract. Giving an
untrue statement means that the decision of the other party is affected either adversely (OpareWiredu). Misrepresentation leads to other adverse effects on the plaintiff or law. This concept is
only based on facts of a contract but not opinions or assumptions. When a misrepresentation is
established before the commencement of the contract, the contract would be declared void. In
other cases, a misrepresentation may be established after signing and starting the contract, a
situation in which the contr...

Just what I was looking for! Super helpful.

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