Harvard University Week 9 Nike Making Kaepernick Face Of the Company Essay

User Generated


Business Finance

Harvard University


Research a NIKE campaign (other than your project) that is a very bad example of a campaign according to the framework of the Central Communications Platform. Note that a bad example will give you much more to critique and discuss with your classmates. (Hint: local brands such as furniture stores and car dealerships might work if you are having trouble finding one). Then, post a response to the following questions.

  1. Is it influential? Critique your brand example for its inability to impact or influence the target audience. Provide a link so that classmates may view your example.
  2. Is it Simple? Critique the message for its ability to be easily understood – if it’s too complicated or mundane the audience won’t remember it.
  3. Is it Ownable? Critique the campaign message for its connection to the brand – it should contain a consumer insight.
  4. Is it Emotive? Critique the campaign message for its emotive value to the consumer – it should be useful, entertaining and/or relevant at some level.
  5. What changes would you recommend to make the campaign better? Use the CCP framework to guide you answer.

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Explanation & Answer

Here you go! Let me know if you need any edits or have any questions

Running head: NIKE’S CAMPAIGNS


Nike’s Campaigns

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Professor’s Name
Student’s Name



Nike Making Kaepernick Face Of the Company

Is it influential? Critique your brand example for its inability to impact or influence the

target audience. Provide a link so that classmates may view your example.
The selected brand is partly influential. The reason being irrespective of its purpose and
marketing take a person has, more significant risks are inevitable for the US market whenever a
company highlights matters that are presently dividing the population. For this reason, I have
faith that the hunger of the people or customers offended by Kaepernick going on his knees for
the anthem is stronger than the people supporting his free speech decision or his reason for
raising an alert concerning police firing the black Americans. However, just as many contentious
communications moments for brands, the influences or effects do not linger in customers minds,
for instance, the case of Before lunch Consult's casting of votes on United Commercial airline
that portrayed the views forces on its fierce passengers elimination instance disapp...

Nice! Really impressed with the quality.
