Ashford University Diane Vaughan Theory of Normalization of Deviance Discussion

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Here is the reading:

Johnston, C. A. (2018). Intentional learning for college success (2nd ed.). Bridgepoint Education.

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(EVERYTHING MUST IN OWN WORDS) Prepare: Your primary goals for this assignment are to explain the concept of learning, what it means to be an intentional learner, and identify how you have been using your Learning Patterns in everyday situations, even when you may not have been aware of them. Write: In a three-paragraph paper that is two to three pages in length, write about the following. Be sure to add details, explanations, and examples to support your ideas: In your paper, complete the following: • Paragraph 1: o Explain what the following statement means in your own words: “Learning is taking in the world around you through your senses, making sense of it, and responding appropriately” (Johnson, 2018, Section 1.2, para. 2). o Describe what it means to be an intentional learner. ▪ Consider what you have read in Chapters 1 and 2 as you write your response. • Paragraph 2: o o • State your LCI scores and level of use for each Learning Pattern. Explain whether or not the results of the LCI and levels of use accurately reflect your own thoughts, feelings, and actions for each Learning Pattern and what you know about yourself. ▪ Do you agree with your scores of Sequence, Precision, Confluence, and Technical Reasoning that you got from taking the LCI? Why or not? Talk about each of your scores. ▪ For help, review the tables 2.1 to 2.4 in Chapter 2 for descriptions of each pattern. Paragraph 3: o Describe how having an awareness of your Learning Patterns can help you at home, in school, and at work. ▪ Be sure to discuss how knowing how you learn can help you be a more intentional learner in all three environments.
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Intentional Learning: Learning Patterns


Intentional Learning

Taking the world around you through your senses and making sense of it, and responding
appropriately to it, means realizing places, people, and things as well as how to react around
them (Johnston, 2018). One needs to use their five senses which are hearing, smell, sight, taste,
and touch, to understand and behave according to what they have decoded. Intentional learning
means setting out to learn something in particular. This aspect is mainly focused on specific
fields or subjects. An intentional learner understands the patters that they learn better and use
them to perfect their learning. For you to become an intention...

Really great stuff, couldn't ask for more.
