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The Big Five theory, or the five-factor model brief discussion
The five-factor puts the personal traits into five major features that is neuroticism ,openness,
extraversion , agreeableness, and conscientiousness, on my view all the other traits are all
converged to the five traits in whatsoever way and also ensure the traits generally represent a
wide range of participants in terms of age and across different cultures. Despite all that there are
Criticisms of the Five Factor model like the fact that it does not deeply explain human
personality; it does not consider factors like religion.
Positive Traits & Personalities brief discussion
Positive traits are characteristics which are viewed to be important and gives out the generally
expected conduct of a person explaining personality. The theories of Rogers and Maslow
developed a good humanist approach to personality with look of the basic motivation of humans.
They focused on positive qualities of people i.e. what motivates them and finally derive o the
positive traits and personalities. There are also some agreed social behavior which also defines
the traits and personalities as per Bandura theory and that personality is not there, traits are what
we do for us to obtain what we expect in the far end.
This sentence, “Higgins found that different parenting styles were linked to children adopting
either a prevention (avoidance) or a promotion (approach) focus toward personal goal strivings"
- brief discussion
This sentence rely heavily on expectations happening and also ensuring that anything not good is
kept from happening. The strength of child’s promotion is dependent mostly on developing the
individual differences which explore origins of regulatory focus. There are three parenting
structure behavior which is always differentiated in terms of presence/absence of good outcomes
comparing to presence or absence of bad outcomes. Therefore child orientation is predicted by
parenting factors the child is exposed to i.e. ideal, guides and associations.
Self-esteem brief discussion
Self-esteem is personal perception and self-value one has towards him or herself including
confidence and acceptance. It is broadly on person’s emotions. The way person thinks, acts and
feel determine the self-esteem and affects how a person does soothing that is important to them.
People can have high or low self-esteem. People with High self-esteem will have easier time in
dealing with pressure from work or friends and solving conflicts while those with low self-
esteem will have difficulty because they are always pessimistic in life.

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The Big Five theory, or the five-factor model brief discussion The five-factor puts the personal traits into five major features that is neuroticism ,openness, extraversion , agreeableness, and conscientiousness, on my view all the other traits are all converged to the five traits in whatsoever way and also ensure the traits generally represent a wide range of participants in terms of age and across different cultures. Despite all that there are Criticisms of the Five Factor model like the fact that it does not deeply explain human personality; it does not consider factors like religion. Posi ...
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Just what I needed…Fantastic!
