Rasmussen College Environmental Outreach Organization Visual Communication Paper

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Rasmussen College



Evaluate and revise ethical issues in visual media communication to improve awareness of social perceptions.


You are the campaign manager for a well known environmental outreach organization. The current campaign is to bring awareness to the organization's Ohio River Clean-Up Project. As the manager, one of your tasks is to review all content and visuals used by the campaign. You actively evaluate and revise any ethical issues that may be detrimental to the project, your organization, or society in general.

As you meet with one of the campaign designers, you identify several ethical problems with the new poster he has created. His poster includes the following elements:

  1. The poster image shows a group of poor, urban, African-American children playing alongside the Ohio River.
  2. The poster text states: "Let's help them clean up."
  3. The poster has several overlaid images in the corner of a few celebrities, which gives the impression of celebrity endorsement.
  4. There are no sources acknowledged anywhere on the poster.
  5. The poster has been digitally altered to make the African-American children appear thinner, darker, and dirtier.

Since you are flying out to a campaign meeting in one hour, you ask this campaign designer to hold this poster and wait for your video review.

You plan to take time tomorrow to create a seven minute or less video analysis. Using screen share, you can present the poster image visually and verbally instruct this designer how to correct several ethical visual issues. You realize you will not only have to identify the ethical visual issues and explain how to revise and change them, but you will also need to clearly describe to him the effect these unethical media issues will have on society.

I WILL CREATE THE SCREENCASTIC VIDEO PORTION. Just need the dialogue on what to say!

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Ethical Issues in Visual Media Communication
Visual media communication directly influences the social perception of the people it
is targeted at. The Ohio River Clean-Up Project is an essential project that is aimed at
benefitting the Ohio community and should include the people just as much as it pertains to the
organization in charge of the clean-up. The new poster that has been put in place by the
campaign has some critical ethical issues that need to be addressed before it is presented to the
public to view. The image of poor African American children playing by the Ohio River, which
has been edited to make the children appear darker, thinner, and dirtier, is bound to stir
controversy about race and racial prejudice or profiling. Moreover, the poster text states, "Let's
help them clean up," which is miscommunication as it will be the mandate of the organization
to lead the way in the ...

Awesome! Perfect study aid.
