HUM 1020 UCF Pre Thought Theater and Theater Production Discussion

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HUM 1020

University of Central Florida



1. Pre-Thought Theater: 

 In pre-thought I want you to describe a time when you went to a live theater production of a play. Describe, as best as you can remember what the theater looked like.  Note, I am interested mostly in your memories of the theater space itself not so much the production elements.


Secondly, I want to look up a review for a local theatrical production.  Since I am located in the Tampa Bay Area I am expecting Tampa Bay Area (Tampa, St. Pete, Sarasota) reviews.  Since you'll be doing your research online I will limit the assignment to the Tampa Bay Area. NOTE:  It must be a locally produced play.

Based on the information you find: how far would far would it be for you to travel to that local theater to see a play?  How likely would you be to see a play at that theater?  How likely would you be to see the play described in the review.

To help in your research here are links to three local sources:

There are lots of theater opportunities in the Tampa Bay Area. I think it is important for students to learn about these different types of theater and to support local professional theater whenever possible.

Types of theater opportunities:

1. Touring Professional Shows -- these are the big Broadway-type shows (often musicals) that come to the Straz Center for the Performing Arts (Morsani theater)

2. Local Professional Theater -- These are productions that pay the actors and designers.

3. Community Theater -- These unpaid productions put on by people who love doing theater but don't think of it as their vocation.

I want to learn a little about the Local Professional Theater Opportunities available in the Tampa Bay Area. Take a look at the links here:

Jobsite Theater (Links to an external site.)

Stageworks Theater (Links to an external site.)

Tampa Repertory Theater (Links to an external site.)

American Stage (Links to an external site.)

Freefall Theater (Links to an external site.)

St Petersburg Shakespeare Festival

Urbanite Theater (Links to an external site.)

Asolo Theater 

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Chapter 5 Theater 5 65 COMPLICATION ORDEVELOPMENT The dramatic conflict or premise evolves and the suspense or tension builds in the "rising action." CLIMAXANDRESOLUTION When the conflict reaches its moment of highest tensiopand is resolved, answering the dramatic question. Theater DENOUEMENT In the aftermath of the climax, the consequences are explored (here, the detective explains how he solved the case), and the action comes to closure. Literally, "the unraveling." Character. The imaginary person who engages in the action. Characters have to seem real or convincing to the audience, even in symbolist drama.The actor must set aside his or her own psyche and body and become the entirely different person who is the character. Staging or spectacle. All the elements that strike the audience's eyes and ears-costume, makeup, lighting, sound, set, and stage design. Without altering one word of the script, a director and production designer can use staging to provide an entirely new interpretation of a drama. T he roots of theater must lie somewhere in the human gene. Other animals pretend-the nesting bird that feigns an injury to protect its young-but only humans don a mask and pretend to be someone else. When hunting societies act out the hunt, one hunter is costumed in the skin of the hunted animal and must act out his own sacrifice. Class societies upend the hierarchy when, for a day, the peasant plays the lord or the priest plays the pope. In this carnival drama, the lowly are exalted and the exalted brought low. All this play-acting, this theatrical fiction, helps us give shape to our social world. Through its artifice, the play teaches us the deeper nature of reality. The mask conceals and reveals. The play is both pretense and deadly serious. THE ELEMENTS OF DRAMA Audience. One of the most ancient theories of drama, Aristotle's Poetics, gave full honor to the audience's role in theater. The purpose of Greek tragedy was to engage the audience psychologically in the symbolic action and to cleanse them of their fear-the cleansing called catharsis. The theater. The physical place in which audience and drama meet-no more than a hillsidein ancientAthens, yet necessarilya place set apart from daily life. Act One Act Two Act Three Exposition The script. The written dialogue and stage directions for the entire play. A script may be edited (or "cut") by the director to reduce the play's running time and clarify the action. Complication The plot. The sequence of actions that presents the story. A conventional plot will involve these parts: EXPOSITION The setting and characters are explained. INCITINGMOMENTORINCIDENTThe instant or action that establishes the basic dramatic conflict or poses the dramatic question. 64 I r -. -"., '"""'"'" Denouement Figure 5.1 Hypothetical dynamic and structural development ~ D ~ of a three-act play. Source: From Dennis J. Sporre, Perceiving the Arts: An Introduction to the Humanities, 7th ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2003. 66 Chapter5 Theater Chapter 5 Theater WHO MAKES THE PLAY? At the end of Part 1, an angel falls to earth in a crash of falling plaster and rises above the play's final scene, intoning the words, "Greeting, Prophet; the Great Work begins; the Messenger has arrived." Until then, the play lIas been consumed by the claustrophobic misery of its principal characters-g
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Pre-Thought Theater and Theater Production
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Pre-Thought Theater
I paid a visit to Tampa theater one Saturday. It had cool lighting on the outside. In the
inside, t...

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