The Sixth Extinction & Setting Conservation Priorities Letter

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Letters will be scored using the criteria indicated below. Refer to the assignment handout for an overview of the assignment and a description of expectations. Content Human contributions to biodiversity loss. Relationship among contributing factors Impacts on society Below Standard/ Not Acceptable (0 points) Meets Standard (3 points) Exceeds Standard (5 points) Letter includes 0-1 factor Letter includes 2-3 factors Letter includes 4 or more factors Not addressed Includes general statement, but no examples Presents a basic argument for the significance of biodiversity loss to society Includes general statement supported by an example Presents a thorough argument for the significance of biodiversity loss including impacts on biological resources, ecosystem services, and social and spiritual benefits Comparison made including specific details regarding which causes varied Significance to society of biodiversity loss not addressed Causes of current biological No comparison made diversity losses compared to past mass extinctions Rates of current biological diversity losses compared to past mass extinctions Basic comparison made, but lacking in detail No comparison made Basic comparison made, but lacking in detail, quantification Comparison made including specific, quantitative details regarding how rates varied Recommendation for conservation priority No recommendation made Writing Disorganized letter that communicates issue of biodiversity loss, but lacks detail or contains major inaccuracies. 5+ grammatical errors. Recommendation made, some information on reasons for choice and criteria used included Clear and organized letter that communicates issue of biodiversity loss, but is missing some detail or contains minor inaccuracies. 2-4 grammatical errors. Recommendation made, thorough explanation of reasons for choice and criteria used included Well-crafted letter that eloquently communicates issue of biodiversity loss, its causes, impacts, and the board’s recommendation to the public. 01 grammatical errors. Score The Sixth Extinction & Setting Conservation Priorities — Homework Learning Goals: In this activity, you will continue to explore the current “Sixth Extinction” and biodiversity conservation. By the end, you should be able to: 1. Explain the impacts of humans on biological diversity. 2. Compare and contrast the causes and rates of the sixth extinction with previous mass extinctions from the fossil record. 3. Evaluate criteria for setting species conservation priorities. 4. Distinguish between ex situ and in situ conservation approaches. (Optional) Assignment: Communicate your results Part of being a scientist, a member of a conservation organization, or a concerned citizen is being able to communicate to the general public. As a board member of Conservation World, your task is to write a letter that you can mail to potential donors. You want to convince them to donate funds to support your new conservation project. To do this, you need to explain the problem of biodiversity loss and the importance of your proposed project. In your letter, address each of the following in separate paragraphs: 1. Explain how humans are contributing to the loss of biological diversity. Your answer should include multiple factors. You should also discuss how factors can interact and give an example of this. 2. Discuss the potential impacts of the loss of biological diversity on society. I.e., why should we be concerned about biodiversity loss? 3. Compare the current biological diversity losses to past mass extinctions in terms of causes and rates. 4. Give your recommendation for a new conservation project (Use one of the potential projects discussed in class. Your choice can be different from your group’s recommendation if you think another project is better). Include the criteria used to make the decision so donors know why they should support this particular project. Your letter should be no more than ~one page in length. See rubric for grading criteria.
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[Your Name]
Conservation World
Dear [Name],
The earth’s diversity is currently in grave danger because of the rapid loss it's facing. Now, more
than ever, it needs our attention and immediate action.
Extinction is a natural phenomenon; however, the earth's current extinction rate is really alarming.
Our planet is now facing the highest rate of extinction since the loss of dinosaurs 65 million years
ago. The rapid loss happening right now is estimated to be between 1,000 and 10,000 times higher
than the natural extinction rate. It means that about 30% to 50% of all species globally will cease
to exist by mid-century. These data made experts claim that we are now living through the sixth
mass extinction. But unlike the causes of past mass extinction such as asteroid impact, volcanic
activity, and climate change, the current threat to our b...

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