SOCSCI 1SS3 McMaster University Inquiry in the Social Sciences Essay

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McMaster University



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Proposal and Annotated Bibliography To do this assignment adequately/well, you should have a good background knowledge of your topic and the literature related to it. That is, you must have done your research! This is an academic assignment and should be written accordingly. For example, do not use first person language, but keep the writing more formal and analytical. Length: about 1200 words (5 pages, double-spaced, 12 point Times New Roman font, 1" margins on all four sides). The title page and annotated bibliography are not included in this page count, although these pages must also be numbered. Use headings for each section. 1. Proposal A proposal sets out the goals, scope and organization of your research paper so that you can get feedback and assistance. Proposals are helpful in that they allow you to think through the process of your final research paper with little effort. In the proposal, you communicate to the reader, in as much detail as possible, the research question you are interested in and the line of investigation you intend to pursue. The clearer you make this to the reader, the better the help they can give to you, and the better your final paper will be. You must use the following headings to organize your proposal and guide the reader. Background Briefly describe the general topic of the proposed paper and explain why it is a significant area to research. Describe your topic in detail, so that the reader has a good idea of what you intend to research and provide some information about why you chose this topic. Explain what you think you already know about the topic and try to identify any preconceived notions or biases you may have. The background section should lead naturally to the research question that will guide your inquiry. Research Question The central research question deals with the issue of the topic you have chosen and the questions you would like to pursue in your paper. It should not be a statement that describes a phenomenon, but be written to focus on a contradiction, puzzle or dilemma. The question should be framed as a “why” or “how” question and end with a question mark! Provide a rationale for the research question based on inquiry formula assignment you submitted to the skills portfolio. Discussion The research question must be posed so that there are several realistic alternative answers or outcomes to it. These should be outlined. A major purpose of the research paper is to gather evidence for and against each possible answer. In other words, the proposal reflects that you have considered evidence that is counter to and challenges possible answers to your research question. This allows you to weigh and assess the evidence for and against possible outcomes to finally arrive at an overall assessment of your research question. Remember to correctly cite all sources using APA formatting guidelines. Provide definitions of key concepts arising out of your reading that may be used to develop your paper. For example, look for theories that explain the phenomenon under discussion and the perspectives that are used to examine the issues you have identified. References An alphabetical list of all sources you have cited in the body of the paper, formatted using APA guidelines. The references should be started on a clean page (eg. p. 7); this is the only information on that page. 2. Annotated bibliography An annotated bibliography is an alphabetical list of selected academic sources on a given topic. It indicates to the reader the quality and depth of the reading you have done in preparation for writing up the results of your inquiry. Creating an annotated bibliography ensures that you have found adequate scholarly resources, that you have read your sources carefully and have a good sense of how they relate to your topic. For this assignment you must use five (5) sources. Each source should be relevant to the research question. It may not have a direct bearing on your research question, but there may be key ideas or perspectives that can be applied to your inquiry. Each entry begins with a citation that provides full bibliographic information, formatted to conform to APA style guidelines, as set out in the online resources provided in the content section of the course site. The reference is followed by the annotation, your summary of the main points of the article. In three (3) sentences, identify the main argument of each source, the evidence that supports the argument and the major conclusions arrived at. The relevance of the source to your research question should be clear from the annotation.
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Hello there🙋 Kindly find the complete task on the below attached files. I am confident all the requirements are met and the paper is plagiarism free💪 . However if need be, I revise at no further charges. Otherwise do not forget to invite me to bid on your future questions 😎 Thank you buddy.

Inquiry in Social Sciences Outline

Introduction: what does Inquiry in social sciences entail?
Background of social Inquiry


General methods of social science inquiry


Specific methods of social science inquiry


Research Question






Annotated Bibliography


Inquiry in the Social Sciences





Inquiry in the Social Sciences
In recent years, advancement in social sciences such as psychology, philosophy, and
economics often results in the accumulation of information concerning human social life. The
buildup of information in social life is essential in sustaining the field of social sciences, which
focuses on the overall functioning of society (Schutt, 2002). Inquiry in social sciences is, therefore,
a subsequent result of the enormous success and influence of natural and physical sciences.
Currently, the inquiry employs scientific methods to undertake the design. For instance, social
scientists formulate hypotheses, plan, and conduct controlled experiments in a bid to test the
formulated hypotheses (Schutt, 2002). Besides, inquiry in social science plays a pivotal role in
gaining the desired societal understanding. Therefore, the ultimate goal of this kind of inquiry is
to develop a societal understanding, cutting across all levels of conceptual understanding.
Inquiry in social sciences aims at acquiring new knowledge necessary for predicting the
outcomes of future occurrences in society. Thus, the efficient resolution of both theoretical and
practical issues in the community. Social sciences significantly focus on specific human behavior,
therefore, often called behavioral sciences (Schutt, 2002). In this context, inquiries designed by
respective social scientists focus on observing human behaviors. Hence limited to the observable
aspects of human. However, through conditioned practice, social scientist, indirectly finds other
human elements such as emotions.
Human beings are conscious beings and have private thoughts and feelings often missed
during observation. Thus, the view is subject to human manipulations. However, despite these



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