Women Support and Trauma Group Discussion

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Observation of Support Groups (2) different groups

Each student is required to attend the meetings of two different support groups. These may include Alcoholics Anonymous, Al-A-Teen, Alzheimer's group etc. A list of support groups is printed each week in CONNECT, a free paper that is found at the locations throughout Savannah GA. The Savannah Morning News also carries information about local group meetings. Write a 2 page paper per group describing the group observation experience and analyze the experience according to group structure and functioning. The paper must describe the experience and must meet the following criteria:

*Briefly describe the purpose of the group

*Briefly describe the population the groups serve and the screening process used to select group members

*Briefly describe the composition of the group(race, gender, sex orientation, age)

*Describe the physical setting of the group meetings

*what was the time and meeting days/nights of the group

*was the group short-term or long term? why?

*was the group open-ended or closed? why?

*Briefly describe some of the activities used during the group sessions. Why were they chosen?

*Briefly describe the role(s0 of the group leader and the group members

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Explanation & Answer

Please find the attached document, i will be available in case you have any question. Don't for give a five star review😎 Thank you and good bye...


Observation of Support Groups
Institutional Affiliation




Group one: Women’s Support and Trauma Group
The first group is known as Women’s Support and Trauma Group. The group aims at helping
women who want to cope with skills, improve their self-esteem, trauma, and PTSD. The group
thus aims at providing these women with emotional and psychological stability for them to return
to their normal life after experiencing traumatic instances. Through interacting and sharing their
experiences with the others, women who join this group can overcome the trauma they have
experienced in their life.
The group targets women undergoing stressful periods in their life. Some of the trauma may be
caused by domestic violence, divorce, rape, childhood experiences, natural disasters, and even
molestation. The participants are required to be women adults over 25 years. They are also
required to pay between $20 and $30 as a participation fee. Individuals who want to participate
in this group are required to send an email to the group leader called Beverly Ann Aikens, who is
a counselor. They cannot also call the provided number so that they can book their spot in the
The group is entirely made for adult women who have experienced the stated traumatic
instances. Women are required to be over 25 years of age for them to participate. The group
accommodates women from all races and ethnic groups. As long as they have at any given time
suffered the stated tr...

Excellent! Definitely coming back for more study materials.

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