University of the Cumberlands Simple Graphs in Rstudio Project

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University of the Cumberlands


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Analyzing and Visualizing Data Selecting a Graph Selecting a Graph • Pie Charts ❑ Compare a certain sector to the total. ❑ Useful when there are only two sectors, for example yes/no or queued/finished. ❑ Instant understanding of proportions when few sectors are used as dimensions. ❑ When you use 10 sectors, or less, the pie chart keeps its visual efficiency. Selecting a Graph cont. • Bar Charts/Plots ❑ Ordinal and nominal data sets ❑ Compare things between different groups or to track changes over time ❑ Measure change over time, bar graphs are best when the changes are larger ❑ Display and compare the number, frequency or other measure (e.g. mean) for different discrete categories of data ❑ Flexible chart type and there are several variations of the standard bar chart including horizontal bar charts, grouped or component charts, and stacked bar charts. ❑ Frequency for each category of a categorical variable ❑ Relative frequency (%) for each category Selecting a Graph cont. • Histograms ❑ It plots the frequencies that data appears within certain ranges. ❑ Underlying frequency distribution (shape) of a set of continuous data. ❑ Underlying distribution (e.g., normal distribution), outliers, skewness, etc ❑ Plot the frequency of score occurrences in a continuous data set that has been divided into classes Selecting a Graph cont. • Box plots ❑ Distribution of a continuous measure by some grouping variable ❑ They measure the spread of the data, sort of like standard deviation. o o o o o o o o The line in the middle of the box is the median. The box itself represents the middle 50% of the data. The box edges are the 25th and 75th percentiles. The vertical size of the boxes are the interquartile range, or IQR. The tops and bottoms of the boxes are referred to as “hinges”. Whiskers: They represent the reasonable extremes of the data. That is, these are the minimum and maximum values that do not exceed a certain distance from the middle 50% of the data. If no points exceed that distance, then the whiskers are simply the minimum and maximum values. Outliers, data points that are too big or too small compared to the rest of the data. Selecting a Graph cont. • Scatter plots ❑ View the potential relationship of two continuous variables ❑ Graphical view of the relationship between two sets of numbers. ❑ Scatter plots show how much one variable is affected by another. ❑ The relationship between two variables is called their correlation. ❑ Find potential relationships between values, and to find outliers in data sets.
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Running Head: Simple Graphs in R


Simple Graphs in R
Institutional Affiliation

Simple Graphs in R
Graphs to Produce:
Pie Chart:

Create a pie chart of the computer ram
Label the ram sizes as follows: 2GB, 4GB, 8GB, 16GB, 24GB, 32GB
Title the pie chart as "Computer Ram"
Color the pie chart using the rainbow option

Bar Plot:

Create a barplot of the computer screen sizes
Label the x axis as "Screen Sizes"
Label the y axis as "Frequency"
Title the barplot as "Computer Screen Sizes"
Color the bars in the barplot any color you wish.


Create a histogram of the computer prices
Label the x axis as "Prices"
Title the histogram as "Computer Prices"
Give the histogram any color you wish.

Box Plot:

Create a boxplot of the comparing the computer price and premium category
Label the y axis as "Price"
Label the x axis as "Premium"
Title the boxplot as "Premium Computer Prices Distribution"
Color the boxplot any color you wish.

Scatter Plot:

Create a scatter plot of computer price and hard drive size
Label the x axis as "Hard Drive Size"
Label the y axis as "Price"
Title the scatter plot a...

I was struggling with this subject, and this helped me a ton!
