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Running Head: ACCELOPS
Selected SIEM Product: AccelOps
The technology sector is a dynamic field that is constantly experiencing innovation and
advancements on a regular basis. However, this field faces exposure to breaches in security
operations, dwindling skilled cybersecurity personnel, and complexity of managing networks
making it difficult to protect network assets and manage the wide array of data sources. It is for
such reasons that FortiSIEM came up with AccelOps, a SIEM product that can guarantee
security for networks in organizations, (Kukuruzovic, 2016).
Overview of AccelOps
FortiSIEM recognized the need to develop a scalable, holistic and comprehensive
solution for compliance management, security, and performance for organizations of all sizes.
Fortinet thus sought a product that could combine advanced analytics with compliance and
security monitoring AccelOps became the solution to provide security and compliance
management from IoT to the cloud that provides maximum security for data and network assets,
(Kotenko, 2012). This product provides fully integrated configuration management database, file
integrity monitoring, performance and availability monitoring, security event management and
security information management.
Features, capabilities, and deficiencies of the product
Features and Capabilities
AccelOps is developed in such a way that it expands network visibility to identify
commercial threats. It is also integrated with open source that increases its ability to associate

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with correlation rules and remediation activities, (Kotenko, 2012). AccelOps consists dynamic
HTML5 dashboards, over 200 report templates, and visual analytics making it dynamic for
application in many disciplines. It also consists an API for bi-directional native support and
workflow integration for LANDesk and Connects Wise.
AccelOps allows the customization of depth and flexibility. The product can be easily
deployed. It provides deep packet inspection, network forensics, security testing, and data loss
prevention operations thus promoting the security of data assets and networks for large, medium-
sized and small firms, (Hernando, 2012). AccelOps enables actionable security intelligence and
automated multi-vendor security solutions to be achieved from IoT to the cloud thus providing
high-performance cybersecurity solutions for organizations.
This product allows threat intelligence and security data analytics operations across
multi-vendor solutions. It has significantly changed the manner in which companies manage,
identify, and prevent security threats and vulnerabilities, (Kukuruzovic, 2016). Through unifying
network performance analytics and network security monitoring, AccelOps provides
organizations with unprecedented insight into security networks and assets. Besides, it provides
compliance in virtualized and local infrastructures as well as virtual appliance software ensuring
these acquire a unified view of the environment.
AccelOps automated analyzes and discovers IT issues across users, applications,
networks, spanning servers, and single or multi-tenant networks, (Hernando, 2012). IT issues are
communicated through machine learning engine which sends real-time signals in case
vulnerabilities and deviations occur which imply a performance or security issue. This SIEM
product consists a platform scale that provides an unmatched delivery of operational intelligence

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Running Head: ACCELOPS Selected SIEM Product: AccelOps Introduction The technology sector is a dynamic field that is constantly experiencing innovation and advancements on a regular basis. However, this field faces exposure to breaches in security operations, dwindling skilled cybersecurity personnel, and complexity of managing networks making it difficult to protect network assets and manage the wide array of data sources. It is for such reasons that FortiSIEM came up with AccelOps, a SIEM product that can guarantee security for networks in organizations, (Kukuruzovic, 2016). Overview of AccelOps FortiSIEM recognized the need to develop a scalable, holistic and comprehensive solution for compliance management, security, and performance for organizations of all sizes. Fortinet thus sought a product that could combine advanced analytics with compliance and security monitoring AccelOps became the solution to provide security and compliance management from IoT to the cloud that provides maximum security for data and network assets, (Kotenko, 2012). This product provides fully integrated configuration management database, file integrity monitoring, performance and availability monitoring, security event management and security information management. Features, capabilities, and deficiencies of the product Features and Capabilities AccelOps is developed in such a way that it expands network visibility to identify commercial threats. It is also integrated with open source that incr ...
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Just what I needed…Fantastic!
