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Self Driving Car Discussion

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Positive and Negative Impacts of Autonomous Cars
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Positive and Negative Impacts of Autonomous Cars 2
Our PCs crush and our phones freeze at alarming frequencies, but it is incredible how, in
spite of this reality, we put so much trust on computers to manage so many aspects of our lives
(Cowen, 2011). Today, computers are embedded in our flight navigation systems, in our cars,
and even in some of our surgical equipment. Whether society will embrace driverless cars is
arguably the most critical question of the decade. Will the benefits outweigh the damages? Will
people once again place their lives in the hands of a technology prone to failure? But then again,
aren't they all prone to failure?
Driverless cars will expand the scope of the role of computers in our lives bringing
multiple benefits to the society. The average person spends about 200 hours annually commuting
(Boyce, 2011). Autonomous cars would make it possible to use this time on productive things.
Besides saving time, autonomous cars will save on space. It will be possible to pack driverless
vehicles 15% closer than ordinary cars. Also, the elimination of human error will increase road
safety. The use of GPS and laser technologies and the interconnected nature of the vehicles will
reduce accidents. Moreover, people with disabilities will be some of the biggest beneficiaries as
driving will not require much of human intervention.
The negative effect of autonomous cars to the global economy, on the other hand, will be
catastrophic. There were more than 73000 cab drivers in England as of 2011. The number is
higher in the United States and excludes track drivers among others. Introduction of autonomous
vehicles for mainstream use will rob all these workers of their jobs. Hack attacks and software
failures will also increase the risk of major collisions.
Autonomous vehicles will negatively impact my life by robbing me of the chance to drive
my car. These cars are expected to reduce fuel wastage and cut emissions by 60%. The

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Running head: IMPACTS OF AUTONOMOUS CARS Positive and Negative Impacts of Autonomous Cars Name Institution Affiliation 1 Positive and Negative Impacts of Autonomous Cars 2 Our PCs crush and our phones freeze at alarming frequencies, but it is incredible how, in spite of this reality, we put so much trust on computers to manage so many aspects of our lives (Cowen, 2011). Today, computers are embedded in our flight navigation systems, in our cars, and even in some of our surgical equipment. Whether society will embrace driverless cars is arguably the most critical question of the decade. Will the benefits outweigh the damages? Will people once again place their lives in the hands of a technology prone to failure? But then again, aren't they all prone to failure? Driverless cars will expand the scope of the role of computers in our lives bringing multiple benefits to the society. The average person spends about 200 hours annually commuting (Boyce, 2011). Autonomous cars would make it possible to use this time on productive things. Besides saving time, autonomous cars will save on space. It will be possible to pack driverless vehicles 15% closer than ordinary cars. Also, the elim ...
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Very useful material for studying!
