Lone Star College Analyzing Cinematography in Seven Samurai Paper

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Lone Star College


Cinematographer Asakazu Nakai collaborated with Kurosawa on Samurai and 11 more features.  He has repeatedly proven his merit and right as one of film history's best cinematographers.. Note how he and Kurosawa move the camera, use the elements of nature and angles to create the narrative.  Please cite at least 5 specific camera uses/set-ups that uniquely tell this story utilizing the camera.  Why do you believe the popularity of this film, story, characters has manifested itself into other adaptations/incarnations?  Please research online and clearly identify at least 3 other significant adaptations of this film.

Explanation & Answer:
3 pages
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Explanation & Answer

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The Seven Samurai by Akira Kurosawa and Asakazu Nakai
In 1954, Cinematographer Asakazu Nakai and Akira Kurosawa joined to create an alltime favorite film in Japan known as seven samurai. The video shows their thematic density,
technical mastery and ambition to create a thrilling movie from a local setting. The
cinematographer uses a simple premise of hired farmers who were displaced to defend their
village. The film addresses moral issues, romance, and analysis of historical epic. The success of
the film relied on contributions from many artists like; Fumio Hayasaka, Takashi Shimura and
Toshiro Mifune, among others (Schmidt 71). Seven Samurai is memorable and referenced in the
filming industry because of its ela...

I was struggling with this subject, and this helped me a ton!
