SC 335 Purdue Global University Unit 7 Breast Cancer Research Essay

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SC 335

Purdue Global University



Provide a research essay based on the genetic predisposition of a disease state and the biochemical processes that occur in both the normal and diseased states.

  1. Provide three credible references to support your topic of choice.

Written Report:

Your second task in Part 2 will be to construct a written informative essay. You have chosen a specific condition or disease with a genetic predisposition. In the essay explain the biochemical process that is influenced in addition to describing the genetic patterns of inheritance. By the end of Unit 7, you will need to complete your essay that incorporates the knowledge you have learned in this class and additional research conducted. The essay must include the following:

  • Explanation of the genetic consequences of the observed trait or conditions. Compare and contrast the normal and disease states of the condition and the genetic differences.
  • Description of how the condition is inherited and the population genetics related to the condition. Explain the relationship between genetic information transfer and the structure of nucleic acids.
  • Include a biochemistry review that focuses on the medically applicable concepts and techniques that form the underpinnings of the diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment of medical conditions.
  • Define any genetic testing currently available.


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Running head: CANCER BIOLOGY 1 Cancer Biology Raylynn Roche HS305 Biochemistry Purdue University Global CANCER BIOLOGY 2 Cancer Biology Cancer is one killing disease in the world that has left many families in sorrows. Despite the tireless efforts to treat cancer, it still the primary cause of many deaths globally. Sadly, these kinds of fatalities increase annually. Typically, cancer is either in the form of a malignant or benign tumor (Siegel, Miller & Jemal, 2019). The consequences of cancer include painful treatments as well as other mental and physical effects such as chronic fatigue, gastrointestinal issues, sexual difficulties and lymphedema. There are various causes of cancer. However, faulty genes inheritance appears a root cause of cancer. Faulty genes mostly move from a parent to a child hence increasing the risk of cancer because of their vast multiplication. Inheritance occurs when there is a fault or a mistake in the genes in the sperm cell (Cosgrove, Park & Vogelstein, 2016). Cancer diagnosis involves a physical exam, laboratory tests, imaging tests and biopsy. In contrast, cancer treatment has several options depending on stages (Miller et al., 2016). The options include surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, immunotherapy, bone marrow transplant and hormone therapy. Cancer biology is an excellent topic because it comes with adequate information regarding genetic inheritance causes, various diagnosis and treatments. However, despite numerous researches and treatments cancer is the number one cause of many deaths. The only difficulty encountered in choosing biology cancer was in integrating findings from various researches to one insight. CANCER BIOLOGY 3 References Cosgrove, D., Park, B. H., & Vogelstein, B. (2016). Tumor suppressor genes. Holland‐Frei Cancer Medicine, 1-20. Miller, K. D., Siegel, R. L., Lin, C. C., Mariotto, A. B., Kramer, J. L., Rowland, J. H., ... & Jemal, A. (2016). Cancer treatment and survivorship statistics, 2016. CA: a cancer journal for clinicians, 66(4), 271-289. Siegel, R. L., Miller, K. D., & Jemal, A. (2019). Cancer statistics, 2019. CA: a cancer journal for clinicians, 69(1), 734.
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Running head: CANCER BIOLOGY


Cancer Biology

Raylynn Roche

HS305 Biochemistry

Purdue University Global



Cancer Biology

Cancer is one killing disease in the world that has left many families in sorrows. Despite
the tireless efforts to treat cancer, it still the primary cause of many deaths globally. Sadly, these
kinds of fatalities increase annually as more people become victims of the disease. Moreover,
there is not yet a known cure for cancer hence compounding the problem. The consequences of
cancer include painful treatments as well as other mental and physical effects such as chronic
fatigue, gastrointestinal issues, sexual difficulties and lymphedema.

Some researchers claim that the cancer itself does not cause pain but rather its forms of
treatment do. For instance, chemotherapy and radiation treatments have adverse effects on the
body as they affect the non-cancerous tissues as well as the cancerous cells. In turn, these
weaken the body’s cells and ability to heal slowly wearing down the victim. In turn they result in
excruciating pain, hair loss, loss of appetite, weight loss, weakness and many more difficulties.
Eventually, these side effects wear ou...

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