PTA 220 CBD College Rheumatoid Arthritis Research Paper

User Generated


Health Medical

PTA 220

CBD College



This assignment is straight forward on the directions. Make sure you do not plagiarize and cite your source. Only paying for good quality writing. 

The student will write a paper detailing the etiology, pathology, clinical manifestations, impact on function, and prognosis of the disease. Etiology (6 points)- Detail the known cause (1), prevalence of the disease (1), two typical patient population characteristics (2) and two potential risk factors (2).Pathology (4 points)- Detail the normal anatomy and physiology of the involved system(s) (1), the pathophysiology of the disease process (1) and how the pathology effects the body structures and functions in at least two ways (2). Clinical Manifestations (5 points)- List the signs and symptoms of the typical disease presentation (minimum 5). Impact on Function (4 points) - Detail how the patient’s ability to participate in functional activities would be affected by the disease and list four specific functional activities that physical therapy would address (4). Prognosis (2 points)- Detail the usual course of the disease process including a timeline for healing or degeneration (1) and typical course of treatment progression to include treatment options (1). References (2 points)- 1 research article (1) and 1 academic article (1) from a credible source. References will be formatted in either AMA or APA citation format. Cited material will be reflected throughout your paper with the use of superscripts at the end of the sentence with cited material or parenthesis if unable to use superscripts. After each sentence, it needs a subscript from which reference you used. All you need to do is make sure put information for all the points list above and that would be good for this paper. 

Explanation & Answer:
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Explanation & Answer



Rheumatoid Arthritis
Students Name
Institution of Affiliation


Running head: Rheumatoid Arthritis


Rheumatoid Arthritis
Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) is a chronic disease and about 1.3 million Americans have
affected by this disease. About 1% of the world’s population is affected by this disease. Women
have a higher chance of being affected by this disease than men. The chances of contracting this
disease at an early age are high in women than in men. The specific causes of this disease are not
known and hence it becomes difficult to treat it. This disease acquired its current name in the
year 1859 but it is known to have been discovered earlier than that. Just like any other disease,
RA has its own unique etiology, pathology, clinical manifestation, impact on function and
Pathology of Rheumatoid Arthritis
Rheumatoid arthritis has proved to be a true autoimmune that has led to the accumulation
of evidence detailing pathogenic-specific autoimmunity to citrullinated proteins (Wegner et al.,
2010). This disease is an autoimmune disorder and hence it is caused by an anomaly in the
immune system. The specific cause that makes the body immune system attack itself is however
not known. The main feature that is associated with this disease is persistent symmetric
polyarthritis (synovitis).
It affects the feet and hands and any other joint that is lined by a synovial membrane. The
immune system mistak...

Very useful material for studying!
