Biology Discussion

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  • 1. Define total fertility rate, and describe how this value is related to high/low projections of future population size released by organizations like the United Nations.
  • 2. Describe two methods of estimating human carrying capacity, and their limitations.
  • 3. Why was Thomas Malthus wrong when he predicted that population growth would always surpass increases in food production?
  • 4.Three styles of approaching future population growth are mentioned by the author. Choose one and describe how it addresses the problems created by population growth (give specific examples of how these approaches address problems).
  • 5.Write out the citation for this journal article using the format of the journal Ecology.

Explanation & Answer:
1 Page
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Explanation & Answer

Here is your answer attached, it was great working with you. Let me know if you have any questions.

1. Total fertility rate (TFR) is defined as the total number of children born to a woman
during her lifetime. This value is what organizations like United Nations uses to
determine the future population size. The UN publishes a high/low projection for
population based on the TFR. The high estimate assumes the TFR will be more than
the current and the low estimate assumes the TFR will be less than the current. If
the TFR is lower, then the world population is projected to decline and vi...

Great study resource, helped me a lot.
