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Research Writing 1500 Words System Implementation Plan

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VerdeNet System Implementation Plan
Information technology is a significant aspect of development incorporated by many
organizations across the globe. The absence of Information technology leads to the collapse of
many companies worldwide. However, such companies revive through an exclusive project
management plan that involves all the major aspects of the company’s operations. Companies
dealing in online projects line the VerdeNet may not function without a clear Information
technology strategy. The VerdeNet has shut down before, and its revival depends on the need to
address the underlying issues. While management also plays a major role in the survival of the
business, the available strategies for the competition are also significant. VerdeNet Company
shut down because of internet issues which are better solved through the implementation of an
appropriate information technology program.
Network Topology
Network topology in valves the arrangement of the various components of
communication within an organization. The efficiency of communication depends on the various
types of network topology put in place by an organization. The network topology may also refer
to the topological structure network structures which may depict in both physical and logical

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ways. Though there are many types of network topologies, different situations require different
types. Moreover, the amount of work handled by an organization determines the type of network
topology to use (MacDonald, Matthew L., et al. 78). For VerdeNet Company, HYBRID
Topology would be the best because of the amount of work done by the company. The hybrid
topology is a mixture of two different topologies. For instance, it is relevant in situations where
different offices use different types of topologies.
The connection of the two result into a more efficient system known as the hybrid
topology. The hybrid system is advantageous because of its ability to incorporate the features of
two or more topologies within the same system. The interaction leads to a better system that
operated all the time. In cases where one of the systems fails, the other one can pick up and
sustain the operations. Such a system, therefore, ensures the continuity of the operations within
the organization. However, the system is handled with the case since it incorporates the
disadvantages of the many topologies together. The system also needs a continuous assessment
and maintenance which requires the uses of a lot of resources.
Type of Cabling
Network cables refer to the various networking hardware used in connecting network
devices. The network devices include computers and other electronic machines used within an
organization (Oliviero, and Woodward, 98). There are many categories of network cables used in
different organizations. The size of the network and the type of machine determined the type of
cable used. VerdeNet Company operates within long distances and has to consider long lasting
and efficient types of network cables. Therefore, the company can consider Optical fiber cables
which are reliable and efficient in long-distance networking. The use fiber optics cables allow

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Surname 1 Name Instructor Course Date VerdeNet System Implementation Plan Introduction Information technology is a significant aspect of development incorporated by many organizations across the globe. The absence of Information technology leads to the collapse of many companies worldwide. However, such companies revive through an exclusive project management plan that involves all the major aspects of the company’s operations. Companies dealing in online projects line the VerdeNet may not function without a clear Information technology strategy. The VerdeNet has shut down before, and its revival depends on the need to address the underlying issues. While management also plays a major role in the survival of the business, the available strategies for the competition are also significant. VerdeNet Company shut down because of internet issues which are better solved through the implementation of an appropriate information technology program. Network Topology Network topology in valves the arrangement of the various components of communication within an organization. The efficiency of communication depends on the various types of network topology put in place by an organization. The network topology may also refer to the topological structure network structures which may depict in both physical and logical Surname 2 ways. Though there are many types of network topologies, different situations require different types. Moreover, the amount of work handled by an organization de ...
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