ABC Impact of Health Information System on Hospital Productivity Research Paper

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Computer Science

Appalachian Bible College


Create a research paper on the topic : Impact of Health Information System on Hospital Productivity


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kindly find the attached document for the workI have also expounded on you ideas on the paper Best regards 🙏

Running head: Impact of health information system

Impact of Health Information System on Hospital Productivity
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Impact of health information system

Impact of health information system on Hospital Productivity

The development of a health information system has ensured patients are getting better
care and thus the achievement of health equity and thus hospital productivity. The purpose of this
literature review was to determine how the health information system has impacted hospital
productivity in the United States and also to discover the cybersecurity threats that are faced due
to the use of health information systems and measures to improve cybersecurity. The review
specifically determined the impacts of health information systems in the improvement of
healthcare effectiveness and efficiency, the effects of the health information systems on the
reduction of costs, and the effects of health information systems on the accessibility of affordable
health care. Health information technology refers to the technology and the framework used to
record, analyze, and share data concerning the health of a patient. The primary purpose of health
information technology is to ensure patients access better care and to help in the achievement of
health equity. Health Information Technology has dramatically influenced the improvement of
quality of healthcare through the reduction of medical errors, improvement of patient safety, and
strengthening the interaction and relationship between healthcare providers and patients. The use
of electronic health records (EHR) as a system of health information systems significantly
ensures cost savings by improving medical practice management and increasing efficiency in
medical practices. Cybersecurity is the protection of networks and computer systems from
damage or theft of the software, hardware, or electronic data. It also involves protection from
disturbance or abuse of services provided in the computer systems. The ways to enhance
cybersecurity include; use of strategies such as establishment of security culture where every
member of the organization is required to take responsibility of protecting patient data,
protecting mobile devices by encrypting them to secure the devices since occasionally they are
used at work, employees joining the organization should be highly trained on best practices for
computer use such as maintenance of software and operating system, ensuring that anything
connected to the workgroup computers in the organization has a firewall, installing antivirus and
ensuring they are maintained through continuous update, regular backing up of files to provide a
quick way of restoring, controlling those who should access the health data to only those who
need to view the data, use of strong passwords that are not easy to hack, limiting the network
access to only the specific area to be used among other security measures.

Impact of health information system

The application of various information system has led to drastic change or rather revolution of
the medical sector. The electronic health system, what is majorly entitled e-health has been
crucial in changing how doctors manages the information and patients as well. With the big data,
Internet of Things, and the internet, the medical sector has been able to improve the service
delivery. With strengthened health information system, doctors can manage data that is crucial
for their expertise duties. The use of the health information system has been termed as a
developmental step by many countries that have been deploying it to deliver medical services. at
the same time, the need to have secured information system has never been underrated. In fact,
cybersecurity has been an emerging issue in the use of health information system for medical
field. It is worth noting that security of the electronic health records is crucial for privacy and
confidentiality of patient. This research paper aims at unveiling the impact of the heath
information system.
The emergence of the health information system
The electronic health or broad health information system is the use of the electronic system or
computer information system to perform medical activities. In simpler terms, it is the use of the
information technology by doctors and patients. The two parties involved here; patient and
doctors makes the health information system critical. It is pivotal in the sense that the doctors are
able to deliver better services to the patients by the use of the health information system. It is
crucial to acknowledge that the health information system also entail other devices including the
mobile phones. The use of website and mobile apps counts for a significant portion of the
information devices that are utilized for medical works. In the modern digital era, most of the
doctors and patients have the basic skills to operate computers. Ipektsidis (2005) argued that it is
crucial for the both doctors and patients to possess the necessary technical skills to operate the
information system devices that are used for medial activities.
Doctors depends on medical history of the patients to treat them properly. The increasing chunks
of data necessitated the emergence of electronic health records. Advancement of the data storage
technology also called for a need to have decision making system. Based on the data stored,
various management information system has been deployed to help the doctors make prudent
decision on how to treat the patients. It cannot also be forgotten that the data is also crucial in
ensuring that health regulatory bodies can be able to track the progress of medical wellness of a
particular region at a given time. It has been evident that data has also been crucial in making
some management decision in dealing with some diseases. Though the e-health has been a
crucial benefit to the health industry, Qureshi (2015) suggests that there are existing challenges
in the usage of health information system. Cybercrimes have been one of the major challenge of
the health information system. Due to crimes committed using the computers towards the health
information system, cybersecurity has become an important aspect of health information system.
Health information system has been well adopted in many health institutions. According to the
research conducted by Peeters (2016), more than 67 percent of the institutions proves that they
cannot work efficiently without the use of the health information system.
Types and impacts of health information systems
Operational support system

Impact of health information system

The hospitals and other medical organization has numerous operations. In fact, most hospitals
have different departments that are anticipated to be linked. The operations of one department
may greatly depend on the information corrected or generated from other department. For
instance, a dentist may consider treating the patients on the bases of his or her card or whether he
or she has made some necessary payment. This indicates that that the finance department is
connected to other medical departments. In a similar way, the purchase of the medical facilities
affects the operations of the hospital. Yet, finance department must liaise with other department
for budgeting. The buying of the medical records ought to reflect congruency with the demand of
the purchased items from various departments. This depict a fact that various department are
linked to perform a single goal. A hospital management system is a proper type of operational
system that help to depict how operations flow. It helps to have various department work
collaboratively to provide the best services for the patients. A failure of one department may
cause a collapse of services for the entire hospital or institution. By easing the flow of data
between different department, operational management system has been crucial in saving cost
and making the entire medical operational effective and efficient.
Decision support system has also been a crucial portion of the health information system. As the
word suggests, this is crucial system that ensures the doctors are making the wisest decision on
treatment and other functions. For instance, a doctor must rely on the medical history to
administer the best medical expertise for the patient. Failure of accessing the medical history due
to the cybercrime or any other malice means that the doctor may even prescribe a patient a
wrong dose. This can c...

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