Hult International Business School Economics Discussion

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Hult International Business School


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Research Paper on Business Challenges / Due February 17, 2020 at 23.55 With the globalization of the world economy, there has been a concomitant rise in the number of companies that operate globally. Though international business as a concept has been around since the time of the East India Company and continued into the 21st century. Use your school library, the Internet, or some other reference source to find information about common challenges businesses face today. Choose the topic below and write a report about it; include the specific local company or institution. See the evaluation rubric for formal presentation and specific expectations. • Farmers as entrepreneurs A lot of people don’t see Farming as a successful business. Many farmers are turning their small farms into successful businesses and selling their products around the world • International marketing Every Culture is different. How are businesses marketing their product and brand to other countries? What are the secrets companies use to sell their products in other countries? • Foreign exchange market The foreign exchange market is the largest market in the world, but not everyone knows how it works or what it even does for businesses. • Workplace diversity. Examine the policies used by companies to promote diversity in the workplace. Assess the positive effects from their implementation (e. g. increased productivity, job satisfaction, and loyalty) and possible problems. Discuss whether governmental regulation of workplace diversity does more good or bad. • Pay-performance link. Review the theoretical basis of performance-based pay. Discuss main methods of linking employee payments to their performance. Find out which of these practices are most efficient today and why. • Business ethics. Identify primary ethics concerns in a specific industry and the means companies can use to address them. Alternatively, you may compare business ethics laws in different countries, or investigate the reasons that corporate ethics policies do not work and offer ways for improvement. • Public-private partnerships. Explore the history of partnerships between the government and private companies in your state. Identify the main advantages and disadvantages of this form of collaboration for both parties and for the public. Suggest the ways to make public partnerships more transparent and efficient. • Small business strategy. Discuss the specific challenges of managing a small enterprise. Identify the features that all successful small companies share and suggest a course of action for a small business founder that can increase the likelihood of success. • Franchising. Provide a brief overview of the history and main forms of franchising. Compare and contrast buying a franchise and launching a startup as two ways to start your own business. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of both approaches and conclude which one can work better in which cases. • Business deregulation. Investigate the arguments for and against business deregulation in your state and decide which side is right. Another way is to compare and contrast business regulation policies in two countries and find out which effects governmental regulations has on their economies. • Management techniques. Discuss a popular management technique, such as “management by walking around.” Explore its theoretical basis, history of implementation, beneficial and adverse effects. You may also compare two management techniques side by side. • Business leadership training. Begin with a brief overview of the business leadership concept and schools. Choose the leadership training approach that you consider to be the most efficient. Explain your choice. • Word-of-mouth in the digital age. Discuss the use of such a powerful marketing instrument as “word-of-mouth” is in the digital era. Point out the key opportunities and challenges for companies. Resources Research Project/ Essay Evaluation rubric Approach to the research question Analysis/interpretation Formal presentation Holistic judgment Total 3 4 3 4 14 Approach to the research question--The extent to which the essay appropriately addresses and develops the specific research question, including the collection of any relevant information, naming of specific institution or company, and description of specific mathematical models. Achievement level _____ 0 The approach used is completely inappropriate to the research question. _____ 1 The approach used is generally inappropriate to the research question. _____ 2 The approach used is generally appropriate to the research question. _____ 3 The approach used is well chosen and highly appropriate to the research question. Analysis/interpretation--The extent to which relevant materials, sources, data and evidence are considered appropriately in the essay. Where the research question does not lend itself to systematic investigation in the context of an essay. Achievement level _____ 0 There is no attempt at analysis/interpretation. _____ 1 There is some attempt at analysis/interpretation. _____ 2 Analysis/interpretation is carried out but not always thoroughly or correctly. _____ 3 A competent analysis/interpretation is carried out. _____ 4 An effective analysis/interpretation is carried out with skill and understanding. Formal presentation APA format 8.5" x 11" paper 1" margins, double standard spaced text 750-1000 words, 12 point Times New Roman font. --The layout, table of contents, at least three references, bibliography, appendices, title, quotations, illustrations and organization, where appropriate. General descriptors of the different achievement levels can be found in the extended essay materials provided to students and teachers. Achievement level _____ 0 The formal presentation of the essay is poor. _____ 1 The formal presentation of the essay is adequate. _____ 2 The formal presentation of the essay is good. _____ 3 The formal presentation of the essay is excellent. Holistic judgment--An overall assessment of qualities such as personal engagement, initiative, depth of understanding, insight, inventiveness and flair. Achievement levels 0, 1, 2, 3 or 4 will be determined by the examiner based on the extent to which these qualities are demonstrated in the essay. Achievement level _____ 0 The essay is judged to be routine and to show little evidence of any of the qualities listed above. _____ 4 The essay is judged to be outstanding with regard to qualities such as those listed above.
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Explanation & Answer



Business Challenges Facing SMEs
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Table of Contents
Business Challenges Facing SMEs ................................................................................................. 3
Challenges Facing SMEs ................................................................................................................ 3
Factors Behind Success of SMEs ................................................................................................... 4
Conclusion ...................................................................................................................................... 5
References ....................................................................................................................................... 6



Business Challenges Facing SMEs
New Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) are continually opening up all over the
world, with a considerable number failing after a short period. According to the World Bank, a
business qualifies to be classified under this category if it has a maximum of 300 employees and
a turnover upper limit of $15 million. This definition means that the bulk of firms in the world
are SMEs (Zavatta, 2008). The majority of SMEs are unsuccessful, and this is attributable to the
particular common problems that face these business challenges. On t...

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