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Childbearing of Adolescents and Subsequent Stress

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Adolescent’s childbearing stress in families of Latino
This research was carried out under the sponsorship of the National Human Development
and Institute of Child Health. When a child is born in a family, he/she brings disequilibrium in
the family system which prompts to the reorganization of the roles and relationship among the
members. When one becomes a parent, stress and strain will apparently strike which will affect
relationships of family members. However, when an adolescent becomes pregnant and bears a
child, the responsibilities of the other family members will be affected because they will
continue living with their families of origin before they get married. Understanding how
adolescent’s childbearing changes families is crucial because these young generation is
dominantly known for engaging in high levels of drug abuse, sexual activity and alcohol use
when compared to their sisters who have no cases of unwanted pregnancy (Contreras, 2004).
Family disruption and adolescent childbearing
An adolescent’s childbearing is likely to have large impact on the family. The members
have to adapt in accommodating the new born into the household. This cause major change on
family routines, household composition, parent’s work patterns and sleeping and living
arrangements which lead to increased family chaos, stress and general disruption. When a girl
who had not been married bears a child, their grandmother (Contreras, 2004) will be forced to
join the family to help them in taking care of the teen’s baby. In some other circumstances, the
father of the child might be forced to stay with the family. The mother of the daughter might quit
her job to help in taking care of her grandchild or find a good paying job in which she is able to
employ somebody who will be responsible in taking care of the new born child. Therefore, this
disrupts the normal routine of the family. The impact of the new child in a family also affects

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Running head: ADOLESCENT’S CHILDBEARING STRESS Childbearing of Adolescents and Subsequent Stress Name Course Tutor Date 1 ADOLESCENT’S CHILDBEARING STRESS 2 Adolescent’s childbearing stress in families of Latino Introduction This research was carried out under the sponsorship of the National Human Development and Institute of Child Health. When a child is born in a family, he/she brings disequilibrium in the family system which prompts to the reorganization of the roles and relationship among the members. When one becomes a parent, stress and strain will apparently strike which will affect relationships of family members. However, when an adolescent becomes pregnant and bears a child, the responsibilities of the other family members will be affected because they will continue living with their families of origin before they get married. Understanding how adolescent’s childbearing changes families is crucial because these young generation is dominantly known for engaging in high levels of drug abuse, sexual activity and alcohol use when compared to their sisters who have no cases of unwanted pregnancy (Contreras, 2004). Family disruption and adolescent childbearing An adolescent’s childbearing is likely to have large impact on the family. The members have to adapt in accommodating the new born into the household. This cause major change on family routines, household composition, parent’s work patterns and sleeping and living arrangements which lead to inc ...
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Excellent! Definitely coming back for more study materials.
