Psychology Paper

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. Reflection Papers To gain a greater awareness of your progress and development as a therapist, you will hand in reflection papers that will be 1-2 pages in length. They should address the following topics: a. Describe the approaches and clinical interventions that you use in therapy with your clients. Note the clients’ responses to your therapeutic work. b. Describe successes that you experience at your site. Describe the problems that you encounter there as well. c. Note your personal reflections about your clinical work. This includes a commentary on what you have learned, found interesting, and your emotional reactions. This also is an opportunity for you to examine your counter-transference responses. d. Describe goals that you have established for your personal and professional development that have bearing on your clinical work. Detail your progress from one month to the next. e. Tie to the readings and how the books relate to your clinical work and things we discuss in class Reflections on Therapeutic Process & Alliance: Part of good counseling practice is being mindful of aspects of the therapeutic process and the therapeutic alliance that have important effects on the progress of treatment. To better understand the therapeutic process and therapeutic alliance you are experiencing with your clients, please answer and submit the following questions: 1) What have been your personal reactions to the client—feelings, thoughts, attitudes evoked? How have these changed or not changed over time? 2) What are some of the reactions you have noticed in the client toward you? How have these changed or not changed over time? 3) Describe socio-cultural and value differences between you and the client that both facilitate and challenge the therapeutic process and alliance (e.g.—socioeconomic status, power, privilege and oppression, gender, immigration status, sexual orientation, age, education, religion disability). 4) How has your work with this client positively and negatively influenced your professional development as a counselor? Participating in supervision and consulting with colleagues can bring about vulnerabilities or concerns about how we and our will be viewed or evaluated. Describe your experiences with supervision and consultations—how have they made you feel about yourself and your work? What has gone well and what has not
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Explanation & Answer:
2 pages
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Reflection on Therapeutic Process
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My reactions to the patient have changed over time as I continue to engage her in the
therapeutic sessions. Initially, I was not sure whether or not I would manage to offer the best
counseling given I had faced a similar ordeal to that of my patient. I remember the first time I
met the 15-year-old female patient, I was struggling with personal problems and did not have an
idea of how to help her. At first, I was confused as to why we had to complete a biopsychosocial
on her given it is meant for new patients, and yet I had seen her the previous day in the program.
I would later learn that she was admitted to the hospital for cutting her veins.
I was ready to scream and share my life experien...

This is great! Exactly what I wanted.

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