Waldorf University Communicating in Groups Essay

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Waldorf University


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CHAPTER FIVE READING GUIDE (85 – 112) Instructions: Read the questions below. Then read the assigned pages above while taking notes that will allow you to answer these questions in class. As always, use your own words. Copying sentences from the book is not a useful way to learn this material. You may type these notes onto this form, or have them handwritten using either this sheet or a notebook. This assignment is worth 5 points and will help tremendously in studying for each 30-point chapter quiz. Also, be sure to highlight any concepts you would like to be clarified in class. 1. Explain how communication creates and maintains a group through the process of structuration. 2. Describe the two major tasks groups must manage and how these can create an equilibrium problem for a group. 3. Define primary, secondary, and tertiary tension, and give examples of each. How do these tensions affect group work? How have you experienced and managed these tensions in your current group? 4. Describe Tuckman’s Model of Group Formation. 5. Describe the difference between formal and informal roles, and describe how informal roles emerge during group interaction. 6. Describe the three main categories of informal roles. What sort of roles do you play? 7. Describe the difference between rules and norms. How are norms established? 8. Explain what you would say or do if you wanted to change a group norm. 9. Describe the three components that contribute to a group’s climate.
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Instructions: Read the questions below. Then read the assigned pages above while taking notes
that will allow you to answer these questions in class. As always, use your own words. Copying
sentences from the book is not a useful way to learn this material. You may type these notes onto
this form, or have them handwritten using either this sheet or a notebook. This assignment is
worth 5 points and will help tremendously in studying for each 30-point chapter quiz. Also, be
sure to highlight any concepts you would like to be clarified in class.

1. Explain how communication creates and maintains a group through the process of
Structuration entails coming up with rules, norms and regulations to maintain the group
structure. Communication in the group is essential since members can formulate tasks and
procedures through a mutual decision making. Through communication, members tend to
think the same and can mutually agree since they influence each other. Groupthink also set
in, and members conform to group roles. Through communication, members bring and share
their experiences from the outside groups they were before joining the current one. Most of
them leave their old group's norms and conform to the new rules. Through communication,
changes are seen in the group since new rules keep recreating the group again (pg 86).

2. Describe the two major tasks groups must manage and how these can create an
equilibrium problem for a group.
The k...

I was having a hard time with this subject, and this was a great help.

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