Art Shape Plane & Volume Chapter 3 Discussion

User Generated




This is a two part task

1. Leave a comment in response to the reading

use these prompts:

Was your experience reading this chapter about space positive or negative (pun intended! ooooh!) 

But seriously, did you learn anything new about depicting shape or volume on a flat picture plane? 

Was there a technique that you use in your own work (relating to shape, plane, volume, or space) that you want to talk about? 

Do you have any questions about the reading that we can answer for you? 

Do you know of an artist that illustrates space in a unique way that you would like to share with us?

2. Respond to one of your cohorts comments. 

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This chapter helped me better understand the idea of ambiguous space by simply stating that it is a combination of 2D shapes and 3D volumes used in the same drawing. The text also noted that ambiguous space results from the inability to locate a shapes in relation to another shape position within the drawing. In class I did not really understand this concept but after reading, I now understand that ambiguous space is just a result of placing shapes on wildly different picture planes. I really enjoyed Figure Studies by Alexander Bogomazov because each of the pencil drawings are so concise and provide a clear depiction of space within each composition.
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Explanation & Answer

Here you go!Let me know what you think 😇

Chapter 3 Discussion
I really enjoyed this chapter as it enlightened my understanding of how negative and
positive shapes can completely change the interpretation of an image and its shape.
Visualizing how we see space as both som...

Super useful! Studypool never disappoints.
