Bullying and Children Research Paper

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In-Class & Take Ho1ne Workshop Dear author: please answer these questions as fully as possible: 1. What is your essay trying to say or show? 2. Who are you writing to? Don't think only of the person wielding the red pen 3. What kinds of strategies have you used to communicate your ideas? • analogy • commonplace "boys don't • straw man cry" • appeal to authority • pathos • logos compare/contrast • shifting p.o.v. ethos • anecdote • Kairotic moments • • • Enthymemes (a syllogism) • • invective encomium extrinsic proofs maxims Chreia Dear Reader: please thoughtfully answer the following questions as fully as possible: 1. Identify some ways that the writing interesting and creative? Provide specific examples. 2. In what areas is the essay confusing? Why? 3. How is the clarity of the writing at the level of individual sentences? a. Is individual word choice appropriate and accurate? Is the syntax conect? Is the punctuation clear and correct? 4. How is the clarity at the paragraph level? a. Does the paragraph restrict itself to one major topic or try to cover too many issues? Are there transition words in the opening sentence? Does the closing sentence indicate the writer will continue in the same vein/direction, or change course/tactics? 5. How is the clarity at the essay level? a. Can you as a reader sum up the essay's thesis in one sentence? Can you identify the author's presumed audience? Is this essay trying to cover too much? Is it padding a very little theme (or a too-obvious one) with unnecessary verbage? 6. What teclmical issues need addressing? Commas, MLA, apostrophes, paragraphing, spelling, homonyms, hyphenated words, appropriate use of punctuation ( e.g. use [ ], not { } ). 7. If you were grading this essay, what would you give it? 3 = fair 5 = excellent 4 = good 0 = discombobulated i.e., deeply, deeply confused 2 = spotty 1 = poor TYPICAL MISTAKES Wrong word Missing comma after introduct01y element Incomplete or missing documentation Vague pronoun reference Spelling (including homonyms) Mechanical effors with quotations Unnecessary commas Unnecessary or missing capitalization Missing word Faulty sentence structure Lack of paragraphs Apostrophe confusion f,
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Outline:Bullying and Children





article Bullying




Adolescents examines the key intimidation activities that affect children and
adolescents related to a varied range of guides of short- and long-term disturbance as
the bullying is the main factor.
Fink, the author of the article Assessing the Bullying and Victimization Experience of
Children with Special Education Needs in Mainstream Schools, indicates the
experience of the special needs kids and what they go through as bullying is

Bullying and Children
Students Name
Institutional Affiliation
Bullying and Children
Part A
Thornberg, Robert, et al. "Bullying among children and adolescents." Scandinavian journal of
psychology 61.1 (2020): 1-5.
The author Thornberg of the article Bullying Among Children and Adolescents examines the key
intimidation activities that affect children and adolescents related to a varied range of guides of
short- and long-term disturbance as the bullying is the main factor. Besides, this article contains
dynamic literature that considers complexity among young people in society. The purpose of this
article is to provide clear evidence of what learners and teenagers go through at school and what
they experience as cyberbullying is concerned. The intended audience is teenagers who
experience cyberbullying at the teenage stage of their life (Thornberg, 1). This article is arranged
uniquely by giving the intended audience with the abstract of the article, which provides a green
light of what the essay entails. The author begins with the general background of information
about cyberbullying among teenagers by introducing different activities that affect young
individuals. The author provides evidence of what young teenagers go through as cyberbullying
is concerned. The book offers a clear picture of what teenagers go through as this activity affects
their overall growth as responsible human beings in the future. The current reflection of diversity
has created an interest ...

Nice! Really impressed with the quality.

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