Technology Management Paper

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- Now we need to write An annotated bibliography of 6 to 7 references supporting the paper. - Double-spaced, (4-5) pages. - An annotated bibliography is a list of citations to references (books, articles, and documents) (Note: Sources will be less than seven (7) years old.). - Each citation is followed by a brief (usually about 150 words) descriptive and evaluative paragraph [don’t forget to include an evaluation of the applicability of the source to your topic] called the annotation. The purpose of the annotation is to inform the reader of the relevance, accuracy, and quality of the sources cited. (Ex.: Olin and Uris Libraries, Cornell University, Ithaca NY 14853).
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Warehouse Automation Annotated Bibliography- Outline
Thesis Statement: This annotated bibliography introduces the main articles to be used with the
research paper and provides an overview of current research into warehouse automation.
I. Introduction
II. Unemployment
III. Demographics
IV. Research opportunities
V. Amazon robotics
VI. Jobs

Industry 4.0



Warehouse Automation Annotated Bibliography




Warehouse Automation Annotated Bibliography
The project paper focuses on automation in warehousing and its potential impact on
employment and efficiency. Warehouse automation has presented the main dilemma of
unemployment and how it may affect the labor industry in the future. This annotated
bibliography presents six of the sources that may be used in the paper to discuss matters of
warehouse automation and its effects. The six sources are diverse handling different topics from
unemployment to workflows. This annotated bibliography introduces the main articles to be used
with the research paper and provides an overview of current research into warehouse automation.
McClure, P. K. (2018). “You’re fired,” says the robot: The rise of automation in the
workplace, technophobes, and fears of unemployment. Social Science Computer
Review, 36(2), 139-156.
This article presents findings from a survey of employed Americans about anxiety
connected to robots. The researcher discovered that there is a significant number of
people afraid of technology they do not understand well and also afraid of being replaced
in the workplace by machines. The author also explains that people who fear
unemployment due to technology are likely to report anxiety-related mental health issues.
The author concludes that the threat of technology unemployment is a significant threat
for many Americans. This article is credible based on the research methods used and
publication in a scholarly, peer-reviewed journal. The primary evidence presented from
research with over 1500 people is credible. This source explores the downside of
automation and technology in the workplace by reviewing the threat of unemployment. It
is useful for the project in revealing the views and feelings of Americans towards
automation and technology in general.



Bloom, D. E., McKenna, M., & Prettner, K. (2018). Demography, unemployment,
automation, and digitalization: Implications for the creation of (decent) jobs, 2010–
2030 (No. w24835). National Bureau of Economic Research.
This working paper sponsored by the National Institute of Aging and National Institute of
Health looks at the changing demographics and how they will affect the workplace.
Automation is considered a huge barrier in creation of jobs and hence it is shown to be a
major concern in the near future. Basically, the paper predicts that automation will shift
the types of jobs required around the world to a more service-oriented job industry. The
authors propose means of working to compliment the automation era. This paper is a
critical study based on the current state of the workplace and general American
population. The authors are renowned economists and demographers and hence their
findings and opinions are trustworthy. In connection to warehouse automation, this paper
will be used to supp...

Super useful! Studypool never disappoints.

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