PSY 355 Psychology Paper

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Position Paper

Click here to download the Week 5 Assignment 2 Position Paper Template.

This week, you will submit your position paper on the topic you chose in week three. The paper should adhere to the following guidelines:

For the main sections, it should have:

  • A title page
  • An abstract (not more than 250 words)
  • An introduction
  • A literature review
  • Conclusions
  • References

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Running head: ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY: BEHAVIORISM 1 Annotated Bibliography: Behaviorism-Historical Origins, Theories and Current Applications Student’s Name: Senneh Kormazu Institutional Affiliations: south University Date: 02/1/2020 ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY: BEHAVIORISM Annotated Bibliography: Behaviorism-Historical Origins, Theories and Current Applications Watson, J. B. (2017). Behaviorism. Routledge. It is in this work that forms the basis of Behaviorism. J. Watson is the founder of Behaviorism, and through this work, the history of Behaviorism is explained. According to this work, Watson founded behaviorism in 1913. In this study, Watson argued that psychology is as good as its observations: what the organism does or says in the general environment. Commons, M. L., & Goodheart, E. A. (1999). The Origins of Behaviorism. The Philosophical Legacy of Behaviorism Studies in Cognitive Systems, 9–40. doi: 10.1007/978-94-0159247-5_1 In this article, Commons & Goodheart discusses the introduction of behaviorism as a major contribution to the world of psychology by comparing and contrasting the contributions and perspectives of three prominent psychology researchers; Ivan Pavlov, John Watson, and B. F. Skinner. Moore, J. (2018). Methodological Behaviorism. Revista Brasileira de Análise do Comportamento, 13(2). The ideas from this study indicates how psychology should be applied in different concepts and how it being used in different fields. In this work, J. Moore explains that the 2 ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY: BEHAVIORISM 3 underlying basis for behaviorism is the agreement with science. Since behaviorism is based on observable and science agrees with observable, all the fields that employ publicly observable events, variables, and relations, relies on behaviorism to accomplish their programs. Benjamin Jr, L. T. (2018). A brief history of modern psychology. John Wiley & Sons. A Brief History of Modern Psychology offers a concise account of the evolution of this dynamic field, from early pioneers of psychological theory to cutting-edge contemporary applications. In this work, L. Benjamin surveys the significant figures, concepts, and schools of thought that have shaped modern psychology. Engaging and accessible narrative provides historical and disciplinary context to modern psychology and encourages further investigation of the topics and individuals presented. Th work provides a solid foundational knowledge of psychology’s past, covering essential areas including prescientific psychology, physiology and psychophysics, early schools of German and American psychology, and the origins of applied psychology, behaviorism, and psychoanalysis. Araiba, S. (2019). Current Diversification of Behaviorism. Perspectives on Behavior Science, 119. According to S. Araiba, behaviorism as a philosophy of the science of psychology, primarily in the field of behavior analysis and related areas, has diversified to the extent that scholars from inside and outside the field are often confused about what exactly behaviorism is. In this research, S. Araiba analyzes how the concepts of behaviorism has diversified over time ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY: BEHAVIORISM 4 and the factors that have promoted the diversification in many areas. The article is vital since it offers exploration on the current application of behaviorism. Dilshad, M. N. (2017). Learning theories: Behaviorism, cognitivism, constructivism. International Education and Research Journal, 3(9), 64-66. In this work, M. Dilshad explains how theories have been employed id different fields of learning. According to Dilshad, learning theories are a source of verified instructional strategies, tactics, and techniques. Knowledge of a variety of such strategies is critical when attempting to select an effective prescription for overcoming a given instructional problem. Second, learning theories provide the foundation for intelligent and reasoned strategy selection. The article is vital since it provides details on how behaviorism has been applied in different learning institutions. ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY: BEHAVIORISM 5 References Watson, J. B. (2017). Behaviorism. Routledge. Commons, M. L., & Goodheart, E. A. (1999). The Origins of Behaviorism. The Philosophical Legacy of Behaviorism Studies in Cognitive Systems, 9–40. doi: 10.1007/978-94-0159247-5_1 Moore, J. (2018). Methodological Behaviorism. Revista Brasileira de Análise do Comportamento, 13(2). Benjamin Jr, L. T. (2018). A brief history of modern psychology. John Wiley & Sons. Araiba, S. (2019). Current Diversification of Behaviorism. Perspectives on Behavior Science, 119. Dilshad, M. N. (2017). Learning theories: Behaviorism, cognitivism, constructivism. International Education and Research Journal, 3(9), 64-66.
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Hello the paper is done.Please let me know in case you have any questionThank you








Behaviorism is a controversial concept. However, it is explicable with its foundation hinged on
developing a scientific understanding of behavior. Behaviorism focuses on an individual rather
than on the collective habitual tendencies of subgroups or cultures. There have been different
psychologists who have been largely associated with behaviorism such as Watson, John Dewey
and Edward L. Thorndike. However, it is B.F Skinner and his contribution in the field who has
received a lot of coverage. The main contentious issues on behaviorism stem from its assertion
that human behavior can be observed and learned through conditioning (Graham, 2000).
Additionally, there have been disagreements on behaviorism when it states that the internal

Really useful study material!

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