MATH 1710 Middle Tennessee University Real Life Parabolas Project Report

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MATH 1710

Middle Tennessee State University



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nana LIVIN Real Life Parabolas Project......we are Surrounded This project is meant for you to understand that parabolas exist in the real world it may be an object in place, like an arched door. or it may represent something in motion, like shooting a basketball You to your real-life paraboles and create a poster uning whole or half a posterboard or foam will apply basic knowledge about questerboard) displaying two pictures of real-life parabolas and specific details for each one. You will need two pictures of real-life parabolas: one that opens up and one that opens down. Look on the internet for two pictures of real-life parabolas or you can take a picture of one that you see in person. Save the pictures either on a desktop, documents folder, or a flash drive. On the internet, you can search for parabolas in architecture, motion, real life, projectiles, fountains, etc. Be creative and fun with your choices. BEGIN: Go to and launch the calculator. Click the red "Start Graphing" button. You do not need to create an account. Watch a short video on how to import your picture and create the quadratic equation of your real-life parabola. If does not play, please refresh your screen. DESMOS: Add image to DESMOS. Click the "PLUS" button in the upper left side and add your saved imaged. Add quadratic function to your picture. Click the "PLUS" button in the upper left side and add f(x) expression Type the equation: y = ax2 + bx+c then add all sliders (blue button below your equation) Move the sliders around until your parabola fits over the picture. You will need to move your picture and the sliders to make them fit together. Click on the middle of your picture to move it. Click on the corners to make the picture bigger or smaller. Be as accuarate with your parabola as possible matching it to the picture. After you have created your parabola, click on the parabola that you have graphed over your picture. You should see these points appear on the parabola. Each of these points should be different! VERTEX (cannot be on the x-axis or the y-axis) Y-INTERCEPT X-INTERCEPTS Once you finished with your first picture, click the "share" arrow in the upper right corner and print. You will print your parabola with the picture and then print the parabola without the picture. To remove the picture from behind your parabola, click on the little circle next to your equation Begin this process all over again with your second picture. was pure POSTERBOARD: . Make your poster neat, organized, creative, and informative Glue or tape your 4 pictures to your posterboard: parabola open up - 1 picture with matching parabola, 1 with parabola by itself parabola open down-1 picture with matching parabola, 1 with parabola by itself The following information needs to be labeled on your two pictures with the parabolas by itself (without the real life picture behind it): Vertex y-intercept x-intercepts Axis of Symmetry: draw a dotted line for this veritcal line Glue or tape the calculation chart to you posterboard next to the correct parabola. I want to see the calculation (show your work) for each, the vertex, y-intercept, and x-intercepts on the posterboard, details below...... CALCULATION CHART DETAILS: Using the given calculations chart: show your work (the calculations below) within this chart: . X= Your equation is written in standard form: ax2 + bx + c = 0 Calculate the vertex point (x,y) of your parabola using the vertext formula: plug your x-value back into the equation to find the matching y-value -btvb2-4ac . x= Calculate the y-intercept point by using f(0) = ? Calculate the x-intercept points by using the Quadratic Formula: 2a . . Write the equation for the axis of symmetry, which is a vertical line x=k Make sure all the calculations above are correct. Calculations should be the same as the actual points on you have labeled on your graphs. Make sure they match. Do all calculations in decimals, no fractions. Desmos uses decimals to match up your picture with the equation so please keep using decimals. One or two decimal places are fine. equation of parabola equation of parabola an Z vertex vortex $ Q V axis of symmetry axis of symmetry y-intercept y-intercept 20 x-intercepts x-intercepts CORSAIR F1 . ir Cut out these calculation charts and glue or tape onto your poster near the correct picture/graph of the parabola. Show ALL your work within these charts as stated in the directions for the project. Cut out these calculation charts and glue or tape onto your poster near the correct picturelgraph of the parabola. Show ALL your work within these charts as stated in the directions for the project. OP A N IN
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Find the attached report in word format and the extra files....I am here for any edits/revisions....Goodbye for now....

Open-up parabola
The example for open-up parabola taken is that of a chain that forms a catenary. The equation of
the parabola that fits the catenary is obtained through
Open-up parabola picture with corresponding equation can be found at

Open-up parabola without picture but with corresponding equation can be found at

Just what I was looking for! Super helpful.
