Walden University Addressing the Effects of Alcoholism on Health Final Project

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Walden University


Project: Final Project

In previous weeks of this course, you began thinking about and planning for your Final Project. By now, you should have selected a research question that interests you, identified the dataset that you will use to answer that question, and chosen a statistical test to analyze that data.

Now it is time to move from the planning stages into the execution stage of your Final Project. It is due by Day 5 of Week 11 (next week). As you work on your Final Project, keep these guidelines in mind:

  1. Present your research question clearly.
  2. Explain why you selected your dataset and the statistical test you applied to that dataset.
  3. Detail whether your test has statistical power or not.
  4. Use one of the statistical tests covered in this course.
  5. Visually display your results, in APA format.
  6. Detail how your findings might impact social change.
  7. Ensure that your Final Project is 7–10 pages in length, in APA format.

Be sure to review the two documents in the Learning Resources relating to the Final Project, both of which you originally reviewed in Week 3. Throughout this course, in Assignments that followed each new concept that you learned, you responded to questions and prompts. If you are not sure how to proceed with your Final Project, reviewing your responses to those questions and prompts may inform and shape your analysis. Remember to collaborate with your peers and the Instructor in the Collaboration Lab.

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Explanation & Answer




Final Project: Addressing the case of effects of Alcoholism on Health outcomes of young adults
in the USA
Institutional Affiliation:



Table of Contents
Final Project: Addressing the case of effects of Alcoholism on Health outcomes of young adults in USA 3
Introduction ................................................................................................................................................... 3
Problem statement......................................................................................................................................... 4
Brief literature analysis ................................................................................................................................. 5
Methodology and data collection .................................................................................................................. 9
Data analysis ............................................................................................................................................... 10
Findings and discussion .............................................................................................................................. 11
Conclusion .................................................................................................................................................. 13
References ................................................................................................................................................... 14



Final Project: Addressing the case of effects of Alcoholism on Health outcomes of young adults
in the USA
In the United States, various factors have been witnessed in recent years affecting the
health and wellbeing of the population. While poverty is one of the issues which are seen in
multiple communities, it is worth noting that the country has continued to report increasing
incidents associated with poor health. Poor health among young people and adults has been
associated with numerous factors. For instance, it is argued that the prevalence of poor health,
especially amongst the young people, is as a result of reduced awareness about the best practices
to follow as far as physical wellbeing and general hygiene is concerned. Adolescent and young
adults are two of the most sensitive groups of people in the country. The abilities of these groups
to achieve the desired levels of health outcomes are based on the levels of awareness that they
exhibit. Reduced information about the best practices to follow in addition to inadequate
resources are some of the ways which the community continue to report poor health.
Numerous studies have been completed in the past considering the implementation of the
best practices and measures to reduce the effects of reduced physical activity, risky behaviour
and hence boost the health outcomes of the population. However, while the past studies have
focused more on the creation of a positive environment for guaranteeing better health outcomes,
it is worth noting that limited progress has been witnessed (Patrick & Terry‐McElrath, 2017).
This project will look at the case of the occurrence and prevalence of diabetes as one of the
significant challenges affecting the majority of the population. The selection of this condition has
been based on the idea that diabetes has been associated with lifestyle changes which the
population exhibits. Specifically, this project will look at the potential relationship that is


witnessed between alcohol consumption for young people and the prevalence of obesity in the
country. This relationship will play a crucial role since it will help to make informed decisions
about the potential strategies that should be implemented to overcome such challenges.
Therefore, the primary hypothesis which this study will seek to satisfy is that the higher the rate
of alcohol consumption, the higher the risks of the occurrence and prevalence of obesity in the
young adults in the country.
Problem statement
Each country exhibits a set of challenges which the population suffers. From a health
dimension, it is worth looking at the potential effects that the behaviour of the young people and

adults may have on their health in the later years. For instance, it is argued that diabetes cases are
on the rise in the country. While numerous measures have been implemented over the years,
there is a prob...

I was stuck on this subject and a friend recommended Studypool. I'm so glad I checked it out!
