Houston Community College Create a Program Code Computer Programming Task

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Houston community college


  complete the programs in your Visual C#, and zip the solution projects. Make sure to label the program with ProgramName that is provided below.

Zip both programs in its compressed zip folder. (Only .zip files)

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CHAPTER 3 - PROCESSING DATA PROGRAMMING ASSIGNMENT 3 STUDENTS, For this programming assignment complete the programs in your Visual C#, and zip the solution projects. Make sure to label the program with ProgramName that is provided below. PROGRAMMING PROBLEM#1 ProgramName: Chapter3CalorieCounter Program Create an application with a form that resembles program form display below. The PictureBox controls display the images of four fruits (a banana, an apple, an orange, and a pear) and each fruit's calories. You can find these images in the here. Download the images zip, and Upload into your program as instructed. Calorie Counter х Total Calories 116 Calories 80 Calories Reset Ed 90 Calories 120 Calories PROGRAMMING PROBLEM#2 ProgramName: Chapter3StadinumSeating Program 1 gula There are three seating categories at an athletic stadium. For a baseball game, Class A seats cost $15 each, Class B seats cost $12 each, and Class C seats cost $9 each. Create an application that allows the user to enter the number of tickets sold for each class. The application should be able to display the amount of income generated from each class of ticket sales and the total revenue generated. The application's form should resemble the one shown in below. Stadium Senting Pere Garted Tickets Sold Enter the number of tickets sold for schools Class A Озат е Clan B Class C Ca B: Cosc Total Cac de Revenue Doar Et Use the following sets of test data to determine if the application is calculating properly: Ticket Sales Class A: 320 Class B: 570 Class C: 890 Class A: 500 Class B: 750 Class C: 1,200 Revenue Class A: $4,800.00 Class B: $6,840.00 Class C: $8,010.00 Total Revenue : $19,650.00 Class A: $7,500.00 Class B: $9,000.00 Class C: $10,800.00 Total Revenue : $27,300.00 Class A: $1,500.00 Class B: $3,600.00 Class C: $4,500.00 Total Revenue : $9,600.00 Class A: 100 Class B: 300 Class C: 500
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