GEOLOGY 103 Edmonds Community College Primary Research Graph Worksheet

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Geology 103

Edmonds Community College



The term paper requires graphs from primary research articles. For this discussion, you should focus on one of the primary graphs you plan to use in your term paper.

Assignment requirements:

  • Include the graph at the start of your post.
  • Write a short caption or title for your graph. You may need to keep the original caption but include an additional caption you write yourself.
  • Write an additional paragraph where you explain what the graph is illustrating and why it is important.
  • At the end of your post, please list your source in CSE format, which is the same format as required for our term paper. Additionally, provide a hyperlinked web address for your articles if at all possible. You may later use portions of this discussion in your term paper.

Please review what qualifies as primary vs. secondary sources (blogs, articles in popular media), if you have any questions about this. Our class library resource guide shows step-by-step how to search for primary source material. You may also want to check out the Biodiversity Science Library (Links to an external site.) for pubic domain science illustrations.

Explanation & Answer:
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Explanation & Answer

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