Responsibility of Ensuring Security Discussion

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Experiential Exercises A series of thefts from your because the security check is for the employer's Case 1 pharmacy area have occurred in benefit. The director of security and the head of the last six weeks. The director of security and pharmacy services have responded that this secu- the head of pharmacy services now require all rity check is for the benefit of the employees to persons working in the pharmacy department ensure that no one is unjustly accused. with access to drugs to clock out after their shifts and then go through a security check before Issues for Discussion leaving the building. Several employees have 1. Is either party correct? complained that they should be paid for this time 2. If so, which one and why? Case 3 Shaunte comes into your office in the HR department one morning and tells a sad story. Her supervi- sor, Henry, has forced an intimate relationship on her, which has lasted for six months. Now she is coming forward to complain because she cannot take this harassment any longer and wants it stopped. She also asks that you keep her name out of the investigation. In talking with Henry, you get a very dif- ferent story. He and Shaunte have been dating for six months. It was mutual and consensual, and he made every effort to keep their personal relation- ship separate from their work relationship. Issues for Discussion 1. Who do you believe? Why? Who else will you talk with? 2. Does it make any difference whom you find more credible? 3. Is it possible to keep Shaunte's name out of this investigation? 4. If you find Shaunte more credible, what are your recommendations to management? 5. If you find Henry more credible, what are your recommendations to management?
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Explanation & Answer:
2 pages
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Explanation & Answer


Running head: CASE ANALYSIS


Case Analysis
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Case #1

Question 1
In this case, both parties are right. This because every employee has the responsibility
of ensuring security to the organization's properties. Thus, the employee’s inspection and
reporting to the security department is necessary. The undertaking ensures that there is no
false accusation, as well as guarantee that organization does not suffer losses from any third
party based on the organization’s policy. Equally, from employer’s perspective, the additional
measures to guarantee security do not benefit employees more than employers. The reason
for this that the employer is responsible for ensuring the security of the workplace in
whichever way deems fit. In this case, the employees are doing a lot in favor of the employer

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