Albany Technical College Importance of Revising and Changing the Welfare System Essay

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Remember your essay should be a five paragraph essay of at least 500 words. Make sure your thesis is not a question, but a statement of the position you are taking. Be sure to clearly explain your point of view and list logical reasons and evidence to support your argument. Give clear examples that illustrate your points. If you gather information from sources to provide evidence to support your claim, you must properly document the information.

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The Importance of Revising and Changing the Welfare System
The welfare system was established to assist families and persons in need. It uses programs such
as child care assistance, housing support, food stamps, health care, and unemployment
compensation, among others. Despite their significance, some welfare programs have failed to
achieve their intended goals. In the U.S., many welfare programs have incurred massive losses
due to mismanagement and structural flaws (Calder para. 3). Therefore, there is a need to revise
and change the welfare system. Revising and changing the welfare system will improve these
programs’ efficiency, reduce their redundancy, improve their sustainability, and reduce
The first importance of reforming the welfare system is that it will improve...

Just the thing I needed, saved me a lot of time.
