SMU Personality Assessment Paper

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Santa Monica University


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Psychology Applied Assignment #2: Personality Assessment Please do this assignment in the order listed below. Take the test: It will take about 5-10 minutes. Do NOT choose “neutral” answers. It does not benefit you to choose socially desirable answers (presenting yourself in a manner you may feel is ideal instead of honest), as there’s not a “wrong” personality type. There are the sections you will be reporting on: 1. Results. Write up your result (the letters and the full typology) and your interpretation of the meaning of your result (do not copy and paste what the assessment gives you). 2. Connection to your life. Discuss THREE areas of your life where you can see the accuracy of your typology OR three areas that disconfirm these results. 3. Researching the assessment measure. Now, research information on the Myers-Briggs Personality Type. Review at least TWO sources, with at least one coming from the scholarly literature (look at the “How to Find Appropriate Sources” link in the Links & Tools section on Canvas to learn more about how to find said sources). List the two sources you looked at. Does the information you found confirm or disconfirm the validity of this type of personality typing? Reference EACH source in your answer. 4. Utility of assessment. Why are these types of personality assessments useful? Did you find the results useful? Why or why not? 5. Other options. What might be a more useful personality assessment (based on the information in Chapter 11) and why? Please justify your response. This assignment should include: 1. Label your answers by numbers that correspond with the questions. ANSWER EVERY QUESTION. It should include 5 distinct answers labeled 1-5. 2. Make sure to answer all the questions within the questions and that you have the appropriate amount of examples and sources. 3. You must reference the text when I indicate “based on information in Chapter 11.” 4. This must have in-text citations and full references from the text and the websites you reviewed. Remember to list the sources you looked at in #3. GRADING RUBRIC PA #2 Criteria Excellent 5-points All FIVE parts are Assignment included and Completion labeled; all questions are answered in each section Writing Mechanics Included appropriate references to the text and TWO additional sources. Paper is free of punctuation and spelling errors; APA formatting is followed; reference page is included Where indicated (at a minimum), there are direct references to the text, which include appropriate definitions; TWO additional sources are included. Good 3-4 Points Four or less parts are included; answers are incomplete or ambiguous; answers are not appropriately labeled Paper has some punctuation and spelling errors; reference page is not formatted properly Emerging 1-2 Points Less than three parts are included; sections are not labeled so answers are not clear Unacceptable 0 Correct sections are not included and labeled; answers are off-topic Paper sections are not labeled; notable issues with writing where points are not clear; poor APA formatting with citations Paper has some references but not the required amount Paper has very few direct text references or they are used out of context Poor grammar and spelling, including issues with capitalization, complete sentences; APA format is not followed with citations No direct course references (opinion only) GENERAL DISCUSSION BOARD RUBRIC FOR PSYCHOLOGY APPLIED ASSIGNMENTS Component Unacceptable 0 Points Discussion Board Rubric Emerging Good 1-6 Points 7-13points Your PA is your Original Post (15 pts.) No post within the allotted timeframe Component Unacceptable 0 Points Emerging 1 point per post No response posted; post is rude or inappropriate Post is less than 3 sentences; post is either merely supportive or merely antagonistic without support for agreement or disagreement 1 Peer Response (5 pts.) Good 2-3 points per post Post is between 3-6 sentences; response is not well constructed, i.e., “totally, I agree” without supporting reasons; repeats original post instead of building upon it Excellent 14-15 Points Each PA has its own rubric. Follow the instructions and tips for success that are outlined for EVERY PA. You can lose up 2pts for poor writing quality; and you will lose 5pts if you do not include any references to the text Excellent 4-5 points per post (5 points possible) YOU MUST ADD SOMETHING TO THE DISCUSSION (not repeat); Post is at least 7 sentences; it is respectful and thoughtful; it builds on the original post; it’s well written
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Personality Assessment
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Personality Assessment
1. Results. Write up your result (the letters and the full typology) and your
interpretation of the meaning of your result (do not copy and paste what the
assessment gives you).
Type: Assertive Logistician
Role: Sentinel
Strategy: Confident individualism
Meaning: In my view, this personality type largely refers to a principled person
ever confident of his or her opinion and one who applies logic in determining whether to
be part of the action or to watch as it goes down.
2. Connection to your life. Discuss THREE areas of your life where you can see the
accuracy of your typology OR three areas that disconfirm these results.
After a critical analysis of the typology results, contrary to my previous
interpretation, for a fact, I am truly a reflection of an assertive logistician. As the results, I
am strong-willed and dutiful, very responsible, honest, and direct (,
2020). As a result, in most cases, I take a determined and patient approach in every
redress while maintaining...

Just what I needed…Fantastic!

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