St Thomas University Gynecological Examination Discussion

User Generated


Health Medical

ST Thomas University


Gynecological Examination 

You are seeing a 15-year-old female patient for a gynecological exam and to explore birth control options. The patient’s mother scheduled the appointment after learning that her daughter has become sexually active. The patient is current with all immunizations, including Gardasil, and has no significant health history that would contraindicate the use of birth control.

  1. This is the patient’s first gynecological exam, and she expresses feeling nervous and embarrassed that her mother has shared her sexual experience with strangers. Taking this into account, how would you begin the patient encounter?
  2. As you begin asking questions to determine the patient’s gynecological history, the patient appears frustrated and embarrassed and reminds you that she has only had sex one time. What should the patient understand about the importance of reviewing gynecological history?
  3. What are the most popular birth control methods prescribed in the United States? What determines the success or failure of a birth control method?
  4. The patient expresses a desire for the most effective form of birth control but is concerned about weight gain and other side effects. How should you respond to her concerns?
  5. The patient seems unsure about the best option for birth control and asks if she can take some time to think about the choices. As the use of birth control is ultimately the patient’s choice, you offer to answer any questions and agree to a follow-up visit or call. The patient asks whether using a condom is okay if she decides to have sexual intercourse before selecting a method of birth control. What should you tell her?

Explanation & Answer:
500 words
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Explanation & Answer



Gynecological Examination
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Gynecological exams constitute procedures whose aim is to assess the well- being of a
woman's reproductive system. The process usually makes use of the speculum to view the vagina
and the cervix. If am seeing a 15-year-old female patient for a gynecological exam who: currently
is with all immunizations including Gardasil, has got no significant health history that would
contraindicate the use of birth control, is having her first gynecological exam, is nervous as she
tries to express herself and is embarrassed that her mother has shared her sexual experience with
strangers, I will approach her quite differently. Firstly, I will greet her and make her feel very
comfortable before I start my interrogation. Then, I will assure her that her privacy is highly
respected in order to give her confiden...

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