Stratford University Amazon User Interface Discussion

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Need to write APA style paper consisting of 7 to 8 pages with at least 5 to 7 scholarly articles. The paper should be absolutely free from plagiarism. The topic for paper should include the following :

1. where was the US economy 5 years ago.

2. Where is the economy today.

3. Where do you think the economy will be in 3 years.

4. What behavior will you change to capitalize on where you think the economy will be in 3 years.

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Explanation & Answer

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Outline for economy of the US
In this section, an introduction has been made regarding the state of economy of the United
States 5 years ago, presently and in the next three years.
Where Was The US Economy 5 Years Ago
In this section, an explanation has been made regarding the economic state of the United States
in the last five years.

Where Is The Economy Today
In this section, an explanation has been made regarding the economy of the United States in the
present state as at 2020.

Where Do You Think The Economy Will Be In 3 Years
In this section, the economy of the United States has been explained based on the future value in
the next three years.

What Behavior Will You Change To Capitalize On Where You Think The Economy
Will Be In 3 years
In this section, changes such as political stability, international trade and local investment have
been discussed as valued approaches to reduce the economic crises.


The Economy of the United States
Institutional Affiliation


The United States is considered as one of the most stable economies in the global
financial analysis and forecasting (England 2017). The different elements of the economy make
the United States a different economy from the rest of the world since they invest their wealth
into the country and developments that bring about progress. To precisely analyze the progress
of the United States when it comes to the economic moves and the concerns, the following is a
comprehensive analysis of the United States economy based on the state it was five years ago,
the present value and the future value based on the elements and determiners of the economy.
The growth rate of the economy is determined by the Gross Domestic Product 9GDP) as well as
the rates of inflation in the country regarding the value of the currency (Hall 2015). The
following is a critical reflection of the economy of the United States on how it has been in the
past five years, the present state and forecasting of the future value for it to be considered one of
the best and most stable economies in the global perspective:
The economy of the United States five years ago
The United States economy in the last five years, (2015) was slightly lower as compared
to the current state. Considering the various variables of the economy such as Gross Domestic
Product (GDP) the economy of the US was low since it was less than 2%. A normal and healthy
GDP is supposed to be between 2 and 3% hence promoting a quality economy for the country.
The United States has been struggling with eco...

This is great! Exactly what I wanted.
