University of Pittsburgh NMR and IR Spectroscopy Worksheet

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University of Pittsburgh


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Organic Chem 2: NMR and IR Spectroscopy Worksheet # 11.3 (18 points) 1H NMR Spectra Name: ________________________ Due Date: _____________ Nine compounds are drawn below. The 1H NMR spectrum for each is among the nine spectra on the following 3 pages. 1) Match each compound with its 1H NMR. 2) Draw the structure above the corresponding spectrum and show clearly which 1H NMR peak corresponds to which proton(s) in the molecule. 3) Write down one or two bands which you would look for in the IR spectrum of the compound to verify your assignment.
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Organic Chem 2: NMR and IR Spectroscopy
Worksheet # 11.3
(18 points)
1H NMR Spectra

Name: ________________________
Due Date: _____________

Nine compounds are drawn below. The 1H NMR spectrum for each is among the nine spectra on the
following 3 pages.
1) Match each compound with its 1H NMR.
2) Draw the structure above the corresponding spectrum and show clearly which 1H NMR peak corresponds
to which proton(s) in the molecule.
3) Write down one or two bands which you would look for in the IR spectrum of the compound to verify
your assignment.

a) Ethylbenzene

There are 5 protons in the 7 ppm region. This region is associated with aromatic protons, the integral of 5
protons reveals is monosubstitued. Additionally there are two signals one at 1.3 ppm with 3H ypical of a
terminal methyl coupled with a CH2 that appears at 2.6 ppm. The chemical shift of the latter reveals is
bonded to the aromatic ring.
In an IR spectrum we should observe t...

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