Organic Chemistry Discussion

User Generated



Keiser University


Organic chemistry is the chemistry of life. It encompasses the study of compounds that exist in all living things and form the building blocks of life. Organic chemistry exists all around us and has numerous applications in healthcare, pharmacology, nutrition, and fuels. 

An understanding of fundamental principles of organic chemistry is important in order to make real life applications. In this discussion, you will teach your classmates about a concept of organic chemistry that you have learned about in class. To do this, you will apply the SEE-I Method, an easy-to-use and methodical critical thinking technique that helps to clarify and communicate a concept or idea in four steps: 

  • State
  • Elaborate
  • Exemplify
  • Illustrate

Please review the 

SEE-I Guidelines and Example before you complete your post. 

In your first post: 

  1. Follow the SEE-I Method to explain one of these fundamental concepts of organic chemistry:            
    • Hydrocarbons
    • Alcohols
    • Carbonyl compounds
    • Oxidation-reduction reaction
    • Hydration reaction

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Explanation & Answer

here is the final copy hun.

Running head: HYDROCARBONS


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Hydrocarbons are organic chemical compounds that are exclusively composed of carbon
and hydrogen atoms. (Makogon et al., 1997) This chemical compound occurs naturally.
Hydrocarbons form the basis of natural gas, coal, crude oil, and many other types of energy
Hydrocarbons are combustible (highly combustible), and as a result, when burnt, they
produce heat, carbon dioxide, and water. Hydrocarbons are sort after because they are a highly
effective source of fuel. Hydrocarbons exist naturally in the world. However, they originate from
animal and plant fossils. These plant and animal fossils produce hydrocarbons when compressed
by both pressure and temperature for many years, approximately a millennium. (Clar &
Schoental, 1964) Hydrocarbons are found deep in the ground where there are porous rock
formations such as sandstone, shale, and limestone. These formations are, however, found in
large water bodies where a large quantity of hydrocarbons trapped beneath the waters.
Hydrocarbons can either be classified, as aliphatic hydrocarbons are aromatic
hydrocarbons. Aliphatic hydrocarbons are extracted from a chemical degradation of oils or fats.
Aromatic hydrocarbons, on the other hand, constitute a group of related substances that are
obtained from chemical degradation of certain plant extracts (pleasant-smelling). (Varjani, S,
2017) Their structure distinguishes the compounds described by arom...

Really great stuff, couldn't ask for more.
