University of Illinois How Web 2.0 Has Driven the Growth of The Web Discussion

User Generated



University of Illinois Chicago

Question Description

I don’t know how to handle this Environmental Science question and need guidance.

Answer the following question:

1.) You are talking to a friend who insists that the seasons are caused by a varying Earth-Sun distance over the course of a year. What other fact does your friend likely know that completely contradicts this view of how the seasons are caused? Can you think of other examples of two beliefs that many people feel are both true but which completely contradict each other? How does science view this situation?

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Explanation & Answer

Hello there, I am back! Attached here are the answers to your homework with a total of 200 words in 1 paragraph. Please let me know if you have questions. 😊

The earth is divided into four seasons which are called summer, winter, spring, and
autumn. Spring and ...

xrvwnl (853)
Boston College

Great content here. Definitely a returning customer.
