Quality Management Systems for Paper Airplanes Essay

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According to child development specialists, one of the most accurate ways to learn about children is to observe them in daily activities” (Wortham, 2012, p. 117). Among the many types of qualitative and quantitative observation tools discussed in Chapter 4, anecdotal records, time sampling, and event sampling are widely used in schools and centers across the nation. Another commonly used form of observation is a running record. For this discussion, you will begin to develop a plan for the observation types you will use in your written assignment this week, which involves the observation of an actual child. Here is what you are asked to do:

  • Qualitative Observation Tools: You will need to choose either an anecdotal record or running record as your form of qualitative observation to use. If you need more clarification about anecdotal and running records before choosing which tool you will use, review section 4.2 of the course text or read the optional resources Anecdotal Records (Links to an external site.) and Running Records (Links to an external site.). For the qualitative observation tool you choose, address the following:
    • Describe this qualitative observation tool and explain its characteristics.
    • Discuss whether you will be using this tool to observe social/emotional development, physical development, cognitive development, or language development.
    • Explain the purpose for using this tool to assess your chosen domain.

  • Quantitative Observation Tools: You will need to choose either time sampling or event sampling as your form of quantitative observation to use. If you need more clarification about anecdotal and running records before choosing which tool you will use, review section 4.3 of the course text or read the optional resources Time Sampling (Links to an external site.) and Event Sampling (Links to an external site.). For the quantitative tool you choose, address the following:
    • Describe this quantitative observation tool and explain its characteristics.
    • Discuss whether you will be using this tool to observe social/emotional development, physical development, cognitive development, or language development.
    • Explain the purpose for using this tool to assess your chosen domain.
    • Discuss how you will eliminate bias from your observation. Be sure to specifically explain how you will use at least three of the nine strategies that are shared in section 4.1 of the course text for eliminating bias from observations.

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Explanation & Answer


Running head: OBSERVATTION

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Qualitative Observation Tools
The chosen tool under qualitative observation is the anecdotal record. The tool is a short
non-judgmental written record of an incident the observer observes directly. The use of the tool,
therefore, consists of objective description and interpretation of observed behavior mostly of
pupils. Based on the observed incident and its interpretation, the observer gives recommendations
for further action (Rolfe & Emmett, 2017). The observer, in this case, will use t...

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