ART 112 Oakton Community College The Book of Hours Discussion

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Three page paper answering the following questions using the class book and the internet.

1. Analyze Simone Martini’s painting Annunciation: Explain how this painting related to Gothic art, the use of Byzantine design, and the meaning of the story.

2. Describe the contribution of Giotto to the early Renaissance: The biography of the artist, the inspiration from Saint Francis, and analysis of three of his paintings.

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Module 2 – Early Renaissance in Italy (13th and 14th century) Simone Martini Simone Martini (1285-1344), Annunciation, 1333 Simone Martini, Annunciation, 1333 Martini arranged the figures to fit the Gothic arches the same as the German Gothic image in the bottom. Annunciation, German Gothic, c. 1300 Abraham and the Angels Santa Maria Maggiore, Rome, 432-40 The announcement of the angles to Abraham that he should expect a son soon is parallel to the announcement of the angel to the Virgin Mary. Giotto Giotto Di Bondone (1266-1337), Saint Francis Giving his Mantle to a Poor Man, before 1300, Upper Church of San Francesco at Assisi While Martini positioned his figures to match the architectural arches, Giotto arranged his figure in more natural mode fitting them to the landscape behind them. The head of Saint Francis is in the center of the composition where the two hills behind him meet. Giotto, Interior of the Arena Chapel (Cappella Scrovegni), Padua, 1305-1306 Giotto, Flight into Egypt , Cappella Scrovegni, Padua, 1305-1306 Giotto echoes the shape of the mountain and the composition of the Virgin Mary in a format of two triangles. Crucifixion, about 1292, Santa Maria Novella, Florence Infrared image suggests that Giotto applied perspective formulas shaping the head of Christ. Crucifixion (detail), about 1292, Santa Maria Novella, Florence Giotto included the traditional scene under the cross where the scull of the first man Adam is positioned. According to the Christian tradition, Christ was crucified on the hill outside of the city of Jerusalem where Adam was buried. The sacrifice of Christ redeems human sins including the first sinner Adam. Saint Francis, 1325, Bardi Chapel, Santa Croce, Florence Christ transfers his stigmata to Saint Francis: the wounds of the nails are moving into the body of Saint Francis as a symbol of suffering, redemption and sainthood.
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1. Analyze Simone Martini’s painting Annunciation: Explain how this painting
related to Gothic art, the use of Byzantine design, and the meaning of the story
Gothic art
Every religion has its own believes which are meant to be followed by all believers. In our case,
here cathedral is composed of three perspectives reflecting the Holy trinity. Holy Trinity
involves Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit. Perhaps the cathedral portrays earthly power
proclaimed by the human being in order to attain what they know about Christ. In 1194 French
Gothic art by the UNESCO to build a tower to represent the cathedral. The pylon was built on
the tallest hill in the city Chartres, which dominated the viewpoint of the town. The primary
purpose of this tower was to enhance the relationship among the neighboring nations. For
example, it acted as the midpoint for commercial activities, religious life, site for the festival, and
local affair.
Olden times claims that individuals used to burn building built near that hill and cathedral was
the fifth building to be constructed in that hill; however, people failed to destroy it since the
believed Virgin Mar...

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