San Diego State University Right Angles Math Questions

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San Diego State University



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Date Name 7-2 Remembering Show your work. Solve each problem. Label your answers. 1. Chen has $8. She earns some more money babysitting. Now she has $17. How much money does she earn for babysitting? 2. Dylan has 48 baseball cards. He puts 8 cards on each album page. How many album pages does he fill with baseball cards? Look at the angles below. A B C D E 3. Which angles are smaller than a right angle? Write a sum to represent the part of the fraction bar that you shaded. Then write it as one fraction. 4. Divide the whole into 5 equal parts Shade 3 parts 5. Stretch Your Thinking Write a word problem to match the shaded fraction bar. © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company - 1 Whole 260 UNIT 7 LESSON 2 Model Fractions Name Date 7-2 Homework Shade each fraction bar to show the fraction. First, divide the fraction bar into the correct unit fractions. 1.4 - 1 Whole 2. ON 1 Whole 3 . LOOO - 1 Whole Mark each number line to show the fraction. First, divide the number line into the correct unit fractions. 4. + 0 1 © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 0 1 + 0 1 UNIT 7 LESSON 2 Model Fractions 259
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